Page 42 of A Bullet Between Us

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“Well, what if I said I really didn’t need to come to the store?”

“I believed your lie. Your fridge is near empty.” I looked at my side mirror as we rolled to a stop under a red traffic light and thought about Davina’s words. She once mentioned not being the best cook, and come to think of it, her freezer was packed with microwavable meals. “But now you have me wondering? Why lie?” I asked tapping my thumb on the steering wheel as I waited for the traffic light to change.

“I guess I thought I needed a reason to text you. Telling you I needed to go to the store sounded like a good excuse at the time.”

The traffic light changed as my smile formed at the corner of my mouth. I took a right to a less busy street, and the car followed me into the quiet suburb neighborhood. My smile fled, my body tensed.

“Where are we going?” Davina asked, looking out into the streets.

The large black sedan knew I was onto them, and they inched closer and closer with my increasing speed.

I needed to get out of the suburbs, and fast.


“Is someone following us?” Davina asked, her voice rising with each word as she turned to look back.

“Sit back.” Keeping my eyes ahead, I took a sharp left turn. “Hold on. I need to get us on the highway.”

A quick peek at Davina showed her eyes tightly shut, her hands on either side of her legs, gripping the seat. Every one of her deep breaths echoed inside the cab, and my attention returned to the rearview mirror.

“Are you all right?” I asked, unable to ignore her well-being.

“Mm-hm,” she hummed.

“Words, Davina,” I pressed, speeding through the intersection the moment we were out of the suburbs.

“I am,” she whispered. “Just keeping my breathing calm.”

“Good, keep doing that. I’ll lose them soon.” I weaved through the slow traffic and kept making turns and gaining speed.

“It’s them, right?” She already knew the answer. “I’ll never be safe, Novak.”

“You will tonight.” My hand found hers without judging the reasons why, and gave her soft fingers a gentle squeeze.

The sedan reduced their speed, purposely throwing me off my game. What were they doing? Whatever it was, I was fine with it. It gave me the chance to escape and take Davina to safety.

And the only place in the meantime was mine. The safe house was compromised, and I had to call Chief Pierce to make other arrangements, but first, there was one other call I had to make before returning home.

With a quick squeeze, I let go of Davina’s hand, hating the loss of contact, and picked my phone from the console to call Viktor.

It rang three times before I heard my brother’s voice.

“I need a favor,” I began. “But please don’t ask too many fucking questions.”

“Well, there goes you staying out of trouble,” Viktor joked darkly. “What is it?”

“You are the only one Boris will leave with.”

“No,” he uttered, dreading my next words.

“I need you to pick him up and keep him for the night.”

“Fuck. This better be life or death.”

I ignored his comment and glanced over only to find Davina’s large eyes watching me.

“I’ll text you the address, once you receive it, get Bo.”
