Page 64 of Appealing Evidence

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Melissa cleared her throat. “Oh, okay. I get it now,” she said as I answered the call.

“Hey, sweetness,” I murmured into the phone.

“Mm hm,” Melissa said, side-eyeing me with a smirk as I ducked into my office, closing the door.

“Hey, lover,” Tiffany responded with a raspy tease.

“What’s up?” I asked her. My cheeks hurt from smiling while I lounged on my office couch.

“So, you know how we worked well together this past week? I mean, I wouldn’t call it fun, but we were on fire together, right?” she asked.

“Yes, baby. You were incredible,” I responded, playing with the end of my tie as I crossed my legs. Her voice could weaken even the strongest man. Closing my eyes, I just allowed the silk of it to move through my body.

“Incredible enough to be a part of your team again?” she asked.

My eyes flew open. That was an amazing idea, but I never imagined she’d want to work for me again, even if we were lovers now, through and through. It had been something I thought about. Regrets about letting her leave Crawford & Beam ran through me whenever I watched her in court, but I would’ve never asked her to come back to an environment she wasn’t comfortable in. The fact that she was asking me now was like music to my ears. But I was feeling silly all day today, and I just had a great idea that could allow us all to have some fun.

“Ms. Levine, are you saying you want to work for Crawford & Beam again?” I asked.

“Ugh, why are you calling me Ms. Levine?” she groaned.

“Because I’ve just moved over from ‘boyfriend’ to ‘potential boss,’ and you know how I run my firm,” I said.

She muttered something under her breath and groaned again. I stifled a chuckle. “Okay, so what does that mean?” she asked.

“Well, it means that just because we’re together, it doesn’t mean it entitles you to a job,” I continued.

“You know, I’m beginning to remember why I didn’t like working for you,” she said.

Um. Hold on. I didn’t want her to change her mind. I was just messing around. My heart skipped a couple of beats, allowing me to soften my tone. “I’m sorry, baby. I mean, Ms. Levine. I came on a little too strong.”

She sighed, and I could hear a smile in her voice. “No, I understand. You’re particular about the firm,” she said.

Whew. Okay.

“Thanks for understanding. So that means you wouldn’t mind coming in for an interview then?” I asked.

She gasped and seemed to count to three before responding. “Jared, come on. Why do I need to come in for an interview? Can’t you tell already whether or not I’m a good fit for the job?”

Of course, I could. She fit perfectly in all aspects of my life. But if she didn’t come to the interview, she wouldn’t be privy to the wicked delight that entered my imagination. “It’s nothing personal, it’s just protocol. You understand that, right, sweetness?” I asked, lowering my voice and dragging my tone to soften her. I didn’t want her to choose not to come.

She paused for a moment. “I guess,” she finally said. “This is ridiculous though. What are you going to ask me that you don’t already know?”

“Tiffany, love, this is my firm. I’ve got to make sure I choose with my head, not my hormones,” I said.

Well, if everything went according to plan, and she was up for it, I’d be choosing with my head and my hormones.

“Okay, so when do you want to do this?” she asked.

“Give me a few to check my schedule for the next couple of days and I’ll call you back,” I said.

She let out a frustrated breath, and I was so close to coming clean, I had to pull my phone away from my mouth.

“Okay,” she said. “Just so you know, I’ve got other options too. I just thought I’d give you the benefit of a first shot with me since I’m such a hot commodity right now,” she said.

“Damn right you are,” I responded with a husk in my tone.

She gasped and grinned. “Hm. You’re lucky you’re so damn sexy but don’t push it,” she teased before muttering, “I can’t believe you really suggested an interview. I’ll look out for your call.” Her eye roll was so loud, I could hear it through the phone before she hung up.

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