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“Do continue.”

“Once upon a time, Iwas a young girl with many hopes and aspirations. Idreamed of finding a place in the world where I could help and be helpful to those around me who needed an ally, afriend.”

“Part of the reason you know sign language, Itake it,” he observed astutely and she nodded. “I like this story already.”

“When I began my studies to embark on just that path, many things came about that put me off. Ilost the man I thought I could love to another who was dear to me. Ileft university before graduating. My aunt became very ill early in my second year right after this almost-relationship fell apart. It looked at the time like she might not survive. Ireturned home to help my uncle care for her. Thankfully, she recovered fully.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Famiglia... that is all there was, is, or will be.” The firmness of her voice conveyed the depth of her feelings. She only wished her family felt the same abouther.

Brand’s jaw tensed. “Of course.”

“Five years ago I came to the US, but…”

She let the sentence trail off with a shrug, unable to continue the sad tale of how she had struggled to make ends meet day to day, unwilling to ask for help, unable to return home. No home to return to thanks to Carina’s interference.

Without college credentials, she’d been forced to sideline her teaching indefinitely. Time had marched on, and she found herself stuck in low paying office jobs, unable to put aside more than a pittance toward her school account. And now, with unemployment eating at what small savings she’d scraped together, school became an impossibility. What a difference six years had wrought.

No need to go into all that, any more than to tell him about her injury. Wrong time. Wrong place.

Brand cocked his head to one side. “But attending the ball is next to impossible without a little money to grease the wheels.” It was a statement of understanding and infinite compassion, giving evidence of his business acumen. He placed a gentle hand on top her hers, sending a wave of support coursing through her. “You took a chance, Igather.”

“Exactly. So, you see, my story ends with me here, at the Cinderella Ball, at the request of my friend. I’ve no roots to bind me and no home to return to.”

“Your story doesn’t have to end. At twenty-six, I’d say you have many years ahead of you to forge your way.” He hesitated before coming to a decision. “What if I could promise to fund your education after Toni stabilizes?”

Shock overwhelmed her. “You would do that?”

Hope surged through her. The thought of being able to return to school, to continue studying had seemed more and more distant with each of the setbacks she had endured since returning from Italy. Aflash of Brand’s younger self, raising money for children popped into her mind, unbidden. Perhaps elements of the old Brand, the one she’d fallen for, still existed.

“You would sacrifice yourself to care for others. What makes you think I wouldn’t do the same?” Gold caught in Brand’s eyes from the flickering torchlight dotting the garden. Soft music filtered in through the crowd and the noise of many voices and laughter gradually increased warning that time was tickingdown.

“I don’t know what to say.” A knot formed at the back of her throat. His compassion stirred her, his kindness touching a part of her heart bruised and damaged by all the misfortunes she’d suffered in recent years.

“I would do anything for my child, and I get the distinct impression you…” Brand shrugged. “I gather you’re a giver, not a taker.”

His words pulled her in a thousand different directions. As angry as she had been at Carina for swooping in and at Brand for being lured away, her terrible end devastatedMia.

Carina was her cousin, for better or, often, worse. Family stuck together. And what of Carina’s child? She had left an innocent babe alone in the world who now struggled. Mia knew, without a doubt, that her cousin, for all her faults, would never have left a child in need. The guilt of their unresolved disagreement weighed on her. More importantly, the needs of the child, Toni, weighed on her. And then there was Anna. Her words played in her mind, thrumming throughher.

Take the risk, ragazza dolce.

Mia cleared her throat. “There is one more request I would make.”

“So far, you haven’t asked for anything. Iwant to give you a chance to finish your education. The world needs more selfless people in it, as far as I’m concerned.” He tilted his head to one side, his eyebrow coming into play. “What would I need to do to close thisdeal?

This deal?Brand treated their discussion like a business exchange instead of a marriage. She didn’t know why she thought it would be any different when he’d stated upfront he didn’t want a romantic relationship, just a mother for his daughter. Mia would have helped Carina’s daughter even without the promise of an education.

But there was one thing she wanted more than anything else. Anna’s voice continued to repeat over and over again, to take the risk, getting louder with each repetition. Vanilla filled the air, awave of support.

Taking a deep breath, she risked it all. “I want to experience passion. I’d like to know what that feels like. To be wooed, wanted …had.”

The silence stretched between them for a painful moment. Then, “You’re asking for a sexual relationship.”

Did he have to say it in that flat, passionless voice? Was she so unappealing? She lifted her chin, refusing to back down. “Yes, Iwant a sexual relationship.”

He started to shake his head and she cut himoff.
