Page 59 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“Yes, Dad, I’m absolutely sure this is what I want,” she responded quietly. “I want it with all my heart.”

“Then I’m happy for you.” He held her tight for an extra moment before setting her free.

Matteo stood close by, Toni in his arms. As soon as Reverend Barnes returned to his stance by the windows, Matteo stepped forward and dropped a kiss on Grace’s cheek. “Welcome to the family,” he said with a warm smile.

“Thank you.”

Luc picked up a huge bouquet of pure white tea roses and handed them to her without a word. More moved than she could possibly express, she didn’t resist when he cupped her elbow and drew her to stand in front of her father.

“Shall we begin?” Reverend Barnes asked, giving Grace a final, searching look.

She nodded, careful not to allow her doubts to show. “I’m ready,” she said.

“Very well, we’ll begin.” He settled his bifocals on the end of his nose. “Dearly beloved—”

The banging at the door drowned out his words. Matteo cradled Toni close and practically ran to throw open the door. “What are you guys doing here?” he demanded in exaggerated surprise.

Dante shoved past his brother, followed close behind by Angel. “You told us to haul tail over here or we’d live to regret it. What’s going on?” Soren entered immediately after the twins.

“What’s going on?” they chorused.

The three stopped dead in the entrance to the living room, their mouths dropping open. Dante recovered first. “You’re getting married?”

“Without inviting us?” D’Angelo followed up.

Luc glared at Matteo, his look promising retribution. “Yes, I’m getting married. If you want to witness it, stand next to Matteo and be quiet.”

“Give me Toni,” Dante told Matteo.

“No, I want to hold her,” Soren said.

“I’m holding her.”

Luc thrust a hand through his hair. “I want you four to shut up or you’re out of here!” He took a deep breath, then said, “Please continue, Reverend Barnes. I’m sorry for the interruption.”

“Go ahead, Dad,” Grace urged.

The minister glanced uncertainly at the four Salvatore brothers. “All right. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today to join this man and woman in the state of holy matrimony, a state not to be entered into lightly.” He focused a stern gaze on Luc and Grace, then his brow wrinkled in concern. “I’m sorry, but... Why didn’t you invite your brothers?”

Luc gritted his teeth. “Because they don’t know how to behave in public. Proceed. Please.”

Toni let out a loud wail. “Uh-oh,” Matteo interrupted. “Can we take five for a diaper change?”


“Luc, be reasonable,” Grace murmured. “Go ahead, Matteo. Dante, mix up a bottle, just in case.”

Luc turned on her. “You know full well that if you fill up the one end it comes out the other. Dante, no bottle.”

“Never mind, Dante,” Grace said, exasperated. “I’ll get the bottle.”

Five minutes later, they gathered once again in the living room. Soren now cradled Toni in his arms, cooing happily. Dante held the bottle, ready to insert it at the first squawk. Luc’s face had settled into grim lines.

“Are we set?” he asked the room at large. “Any other comments, criticisms, or concerns?” No one said a word. He nodded in satisfaction. “Then, we can begin.”

Reverend Barnes cleared his throat. “Let’s see... Dearly beloved—”

“We did that part already,” Luc bit out. “We’re currently in a state we shouldn’t enter into lightly.”

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