Page 49 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“How about if we start over,” Luc suggested. “Come into the kitchen and have a cup of coffee, and then we’ll show you around and answer any questions you might have. Coffee, Grace?”

“Sounds great,” she agreed.

“And a bottle for Toni, I think.”

Grace pulled the basket from the closet and picked up Toni, confident Luc would talk his way out of a sticky situation. How she wished she possessed his gift. It would certainly come in handy over the next few days.

She closed her eyes and buried her face against Toni’s neck. Matters were becoming much too complicated. How much longer could she keep doing this, living a lie? Perhaps she’d better confess her subterfuge to Luc once Ms. Carstairs left. She’d be as frank with him as she intended to be with Dom. But if she did, how would Luc react? Would he understand why she’d chosen to deceive him? Somehow, she suspected he wouldn’t. At the very least, it would change their relationship, and she didn’t think she was ready for that.

“Grace?” Luc called to her. “Are you coming?”

She lifted her head and took a deep breath. Maybe she’d have a hot cup of coffee and think about it for a while. There was no rush, right? She’d get a good night’s sleep and reconsider her options tomorrow.

Nothing like putting off today what she’d most likely put off tomorrow, too. She sighed. No question about it. She was going straight to hell.

As shesuspected, having a night to sleep on her problems brought Grace no nearer a solution. If anything, she awoke more confused than ever. For one thing, she wasn’t in Luc’s bed, and she wanted to be. For another, she had several choices, none quite what she wanted. She buried her head in the pillow with a groan. Should she tell Luc about her deal with Dom? Should she accept his very tempting offer of a promotion, if she was unable to open Baby Dream Toys? Most important of all, should she agree to a temporary relationship and suffer the consequences?

She didn’t know. She just didn’t know. What she wanted was Luc. But Luc didn’t want her, at least not on a permanent basis. And facing that fact nearly ripped her apart.

Crawling out of bed to a brilliant, sunny morning, she discovered Luc already up and dressed in a business suit and tie.

“You’re not going into the office, are you?” she asked, dismayed. She’d hoped to spend time with him, precious, fleeting time.

“I’m afraid so.Papàsaid he’d meet me there. I assume he’d like an update on our various business activities. And since the only other option is to have him come here...” He let the suggestion hang.

“No, that wouldn’t work, would it,” she agreed. “What about Brand and Carina?”

“I still expect them tomorrow for Thanksgiving. If they weren’t going to make it, Brand would have phoned. Will you stay here with Toni? IfPapàasks, I’ll say you’re out sick.”

“More lies,” she murmured, disheartened.

He frowned, then approached and pulled her into his arms. “I know I agreed not to touch you, but I can’t seem to help myself, especially when you’re so upset.” He fell silent for a moment. “I realize all of this deception is difficult for you, but we can straighten everything out when Brand returns. How about once this is over, we confess our various sins? You and I will have a frank talk and put all our cards on the table.”

She smiled. “I’d like that. And you’re right, of course. I have a sin or two of my own to confess.”

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

Luc dropped a kiss on her mouth. Then, as if unable to resist, he kissed her again, more deeply, with an underlying urgency. She should resist. She should insist he keep to their agreement. Maybe she would have, could have, if it hadn’t been for one small problem. She wanted him. Wanted him more than she’d wanted anything in her entire life. Her arms slid around his neck and she opened herself to him in every way. His tongue mated with hers, a sweet joining that sent tremors of longing shooting through her. She shifted restlessly against him and he captured her hips, settling her between his thighs. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her. Instead of bringing her to her senses, it drove her desire to even greater heights.

“Luc, please.”

He drew back, misunderstanding her whispered request. “I know I’m breaking our agreement, but I can’t help it. I want you.”

She nestled into his embrace, and suddenly everything crystallized in her mind. Through the long, endless night, she’d struggled to make a decision. To decide whether she’d fight for Luc’s love or do the safe thing and walk away. But now, in the cold light of day, she knew what her answer would be. In that instant, held in his arms, all her doubts vanished.

For the first time since their escapade began, she was certain in both heart and mind. Once they’d settled their problems with Toni, she’d tell Luc the truth. Every bit of it. Then, it would be up to him how they proceeded. She knew he wasn’t interested in a permanent relationship, and though it meant future heartache, she’d take the tiny slice of heaven he offered. Because she knew, deep in her heart, she’d never love anyone as much as she loved Luc.

“I want you, too,” she admitted. And though she wished she could tell him of her love and coax similar words from him, she was willing to give it time. Maybe even a lifetime.

His eyes darkened. “Say that again.”

“I want you,” she repeated. “Very, very badly.”

“You sure that isn’t frustration speaking?” Skepticism underscored the question. “What about when Toni’s out of our life and you’ve had time to reconsider? What will you say then?”

“The same.”

She’d surprised him, and he studied her expression intently. “You’re sure?”

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