Page 16 of How to: Hide a Baby

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Hot color flooded her face. “I mean, the baby needs diapers. Toni. She needs them. Not you. I know that you don’t.”

“Very observant. Though if you keep rubbing my chest like that, you’ll find out precisely what it is I do need.”

She jumped back as if scalded. “I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.”

“Let me guess. You confused me with Will-William.”

Horror filled her. How could she have been so foolish? How could she have let her defenses down for even one tiny second? She knew what Luc was like. She knew how dangerous he could be. And yet she’d allowed him to touch her. Worse, she’d touched him back.

“It won’t happen again,” she said in a stilted voice.

He stepped closer. “What won’t? Your confusing me with Will-William or your rubbing my chest?”

“Neither.” She gestured wildly. “Both.”

He smiled. “Well? Which is it?”

She hated him. She absolutely loathed him for putting her in such an awkward position. “I didn’t mean to rub—” Heat streaked across her face warning she’d likely turned an interesting shade of deep rose. “Touch you, all right? I didn’t mean to touch you. And I’m well aware that you’re not Will... William.”

A grim smile flickered across his mouth. “You can’t even say his name without stumbling over it, can you? What sort of relationship is that?”

“William. William.William. There. Are you satisfied now?” She took a deep breath, struggling to curb her sudden spurt of anger. It wouldn’t do to lose her temper around Luc. She’d never keep everything under control that way. Lifting her chin as though daring him to say anything further, she asked, “Could we please get back to the issue at hand? Diapers for Toni, remember?”

For a minute she thought he’d argue the point. In the past few months he’d become very concerned about her relationship with the nonexistent William. She could tell, just from his tense, combative stance, that he wanted to push the discussion back onto a personal note. And she’d do just about anything to avoid that.

“It’s been a rather stressful day,” she said. “We’re both worried.”

“And we don’t want to say anything we might regret, is that what you’re suggesting?”

“Yes. That’s what I’m suggesting.”

“In that case . . .” He reached down and scooped Toni into his arms. “Let’s get the diaper situation taken care of. Follow me.”

He strode from the office and headed for the elevators. After a momentary hesitation, she followed. Within five seconds, he’d collected a swarm of oohing and ahhing secretaries. To Grace’s disgust, they darted around him like bees desperate for pollen. He took it as his due, beaming proudly, as if he, and he alone, were responsible for Toni’s adorable perfection. The elevator arrived and he excused himself from the chattering horde. Snagging Grace’s elbow, he ushered her into the car and pushed the button for the basement.

“Where are we going?” she asked, her tone sharper than she’d intended. Great. Just great. Give him something else to comment on. Just what she needed.

“We’re going to the mail room,” he answered in a suspiciously bland tone of voice.

“Why are we going to the mail room?”

“Wait and see. But be prepared to be impressed.”

“I can hardly contain myself.”

“Try,” he suggested dryly.

Exiting the elevator, he led the way through the carpeted hallways to the enormous mail room. All work ceased the moment he walked into the place, but Luc didn’t even seem to notice. He crossed to one of the huge wooden tables and gently placed his precious bundle in the middle of an electronic postage scale.

“Twelve pounds, eleven-and-one-half ounces,” he announced with satisfaction. “Grace, order the diapers.”

“Okay. I admit. I’m impressed.”

He leveled her with an intense gaze. “Not yet, you aren’t. But give it time. Because before long I intend to impress the hell out of you.”

She could only stare, her breath fast and furious, her eyes huge. “What are you talking about?” she finally managed to ask.

His gaze turned enigmatic. But, “Time will tell” was all he’d say.

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