Page 146 of Naughty Lessons

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People were standing up now.

“You won’t get away with this,” I told Aurora hoarsely.

She smiled cruelly. “No, I think I will.”

The deputy commissioner was suddenly nearby. Where had he come from?

He went full Miranda warning on me.

“Emory Abbot, you are under arrest.”

When did Orville Butler grow balls?

“Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”

No. No. No. No.

“Butler, are you out of your mind? Do you know what my aunt will do once she hears this?”

“Sir, unfortunately for you, your aunt has denied all complicity with you and your criminal activities.”

Of course she had.

I wanted to laugh once again. I turned to Aurora. “How did you get my aunt to change sides, little pet?”

She shrugged her shoulders, like it was no big deal.

“I busted your little drug racket, Abbot. And I told the students you used for it that I had enough evidence to put you behind bars. All thanks to Ali.”

That traitor. No, that spy.

“How did he know the code word?”

“There’s very little that Ali doesn’t know.”

Elijah Taylor dropped to the floor in front of me. I knew that look of hatred. I’d worn it before.

“Your aunt said she doesn’t know anything about what you’ve been doing in college. In fact, when Mr. Butler told her, she was very, very shocked.”

I swallowed and turned to Elijah.

“Why areyoupart of this? What could you possibly have to gain?”

He took out his phone and showed me a picture.

It took me a second to recognize that face.

It was the counselor from Emma’s case. June Burton.

“Who’s she to you?” I spat. “She was a nobody, sticking her nose into all the wrong places.”

“Oh, but she was everything to me, Emory Abbot,” he smiled. “And wherever she is, she’s fucking celebrating.”

Aurora knelt down, her mouth close to my ear.

I wanted to turn and bite her mouth off.

To tell her this was far from over, and I’d come back to her.

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