Page 143 of Naughty Lessons

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I smiled. The satisfaction coursing through my blood felt so damn good!

“Did I hurt little Abbot? Does he want to cry?”

He turned around and walked to the door, his movements cold and precise.

I knew where he was going. In a matter of minutes, he’d be on the podium downstairs, addressing a huge crowd full of people who could make and break careers, ruin the lives of all three of my professors.

Along with mine.

I didn’t want to speak first. He had to leave the perfect first impression for me to build upon.

Every move in this game had to be calculated.

“I will see you in the auditorium, Ms. Sullivan.” His lips rose in a sneer as he walked out the door. “Prepare to leave the university tonight.”



Istepped into the Four Seasons auditorium like a caged animal ready to pounce.

No one had ever spoken to me the way Aurora Sullivan had. The sheer air around me crackled with dark energy, its potent force consuming me whole.

The opulence around me only served to sharpen the savagery of what I was about to say. I relished the the idea of the shock and distaste that would inevitably dawn upon the faces of the guests.

All notable personalities, some already twisted, already dark.

How dared she speak of my mother?

No one had gone there. No one had the courage or the gall to speak of the woman who had abused me throughout my entire childhood.

No. It was not abuse. I shook my head. She’d taught me what women wanted. That they were nothing but little whores who needed to be taught a lesson from time to time.

I was out here doing just that.

But if Aurora refused to learn, she’d have to pay the price.

I saw her three lovers in the front row, their faces guarded. This would be their last night in East Harbor, in any academic circles. They’d go down with her.

She didn’t mind getting down and dirty withthem. That showed how desperate she was. Trying to sell her body for some good grades.

But no. She thought there had to beconsentinvolved. The stupid bitch. There was no consent. Consent itself was a convoluted topic that could be abused and bended at will.

She’d thrown the word around because it suited her to do so.

And now, I’d get to destroy her.

Vaulted ceilings and grand chandeliers loomed overhead like the outstretched claws of the same monster raging inside me.

I couldn’t wait to let it out.

One more step. The audience woke up and began clapping as the moderator introduced me.

It was time for the welcome speech. I’d make sure it’d be something they’d remember for the rest of their lives.

Every step closer to the stage filled me with malevolent energy. My skin prickled, goosebumps coming through. I could smell terror.

She was here, in the room.

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