Page 103 of Naughty Lessons

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Why was this important to me?

I didn’t know. I just understood that I belonged with Elijah on a different plane, but parts of me also belonged with Benjamin and Noah.

We’d gotten into this knowing our hearts were fragile and that there could always be the possibility of conflict. But I could never break what they had. I couldn’t bear that.

Elijah looked at me, his eyes darkening. But this was not something foreboding. It felt more like he was looking for the right words to express himself.

“Rory, when the boys and I first spoke about you, we knew what we were getting ourselves into. We understood. And I’ll be honest here. I’m human. I have moments when I wish I could keep you all to myself.”

He kissed my forehead tenderly.

“But I know how this works. We want you to be free as you navigate through this world. And we’re all by your side. I don’t expect that kind of ownership over you. The things I want—loyalty, understanding, the occasional relief from Shakespeare...”

I giggled.

“You’ve given me all of that and more. You’ve made me...” He smiled and flicked my nose. “Let’s just say we’re okay, Rory. I promise that.”

He got up from the bed. “I’ll just check on Sally. You’ll be alright in here? You want something to eat or drink?”

I shook my head like a contented kitten.

Elijah stepped out of the bedroom, leaving me to my own devices. I looked around and noticed a thick, embroidered leather notebook on his table.

I didn’t know what happened just then, but it was like some invisible force had pulled me toward it. I opened it at the last page.

Our Last Song

I thought I would name this

Our last song.


I plan to write no more about you, beloved,

Once my north compass and south sea,

Forever the moon to my west and the sun of my east.

In letting go, I have built a new


A face in the dark, aching for your kiss.

My Monday morning wake-up call,

My Sunday afternoon's slow ease.

In writing these last lines,

I do not forget you, beloved.

I honor the memory of all we were.

Black has become my color now, beloved.

But blue are the memories I hold closest.

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