Page 79 of Paved in Blood

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“You heard me,” I say, taking a step closer. “We’re going to take down everything you sick fucks have worked so hard for. My brothers and I are going to kill every one of you fuckers, and Emily’s helping us do it.”

“You can’t kill us,” Connor says, but I can tell there’s a tiny bit of doubt creeping in. He’s not quite as cocky as he was a few minutes ago. “We have powerful men protecting us.”

“Yeah,” I smile and give a small nod for Lev to scoot aside so he’s no longer in the line of fire. “I’ve heard that before, but the funny thing is, I just can’t seem to give a fuck.”

I pretend to think for a second before saying, “Maybe if you can give me information, I’ll let you live. Tell me who’s behind all this. Tell me who’s suppling the women.”

Connor thinks he’s important, but I know he’s not. I can’t shoot him without asking, though. Maybe the bastard will surprise me.

“I can get you a name,” he quickly says, letting me know that he won’t be surprising me anytime soon. They don’t trust him, not enough to give him details, and if he starts asking questions, it will only make them suspicious.

When Connor takes a step toward me, I raise my gun to his face and tsk at him, forcing him to stop. “I’d love nothing more than to beat your pompous ass to death, but I don’t want my DNA on you.” I look around at the shit neighborhood we’re in. “You were visiting your whore and ran into trouble. Wrong place at the wrong time. Such a tragedy.”

“You can’t do this. You can’t just fucking murder me, Roman!”

His voice is rising as the panic sets in, and before he can wake the whole fucking place up, I shoot him between the eyes and then once in the chest before his body collapses. He’s dead before he hits the ground, over far too quickly for my liking.

“God, what a little bitch,” Lev says with a laugh.

When I look up, there’s a woman looking down at us. Her face is bloody and swollen, and when she meets my eyes, she starts to run.

“Wait,” I quickly say, racing after her. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She’s not an idiot, so she keeps running. I catch up to her right before she tries to slam her door in my face. My foot stops her from shutting it, and when I push it open, she scrambles backwards and starts crying.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she begs. “I swear I won’t tell anyone.”

I put my gun away and raise my hands to let her see I’m not a threat. I can see movement out of the corner of my eye, but I don’t turn to look at Lev. It’ll just scare her if she thinks we’re tying to corner her.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I just saw you kill him. Of course you’re going to shoot me,” she cries, shaking so badly she can barely stand.

“I’m guessing you wanted him dead, yeah?”

She wipes at her tears, smearing blood across her face from the busted nose Connor must’ve given her as a parting gift.

“I hated him.” Her voice is shaky, but I can hear the hatred in it, the years of torture he’s put her through coming out in each rage-filled word.

“Good, then we’re on the same page. I didn’t much care for him either, so here’s what we’re going to do.” I keep one hand held up and very slowly reach for my wallet. I pull out all the money I have, tossing the pile of hundred-dollar bills on her worn-out couch. Keeping my eyes on hers, I say, “Lev give me all the money you have.”

He steps further into the apartment, no weapon in sight, and lays his own pile of money on the couch next to mine. The woman’s eyes dart between us, too scared to move.

“We’re going to leave, and I suggest you do the same. When they find his body, they’re going to want to speak to you. Everyone knows he was fucking you, and when they see your face, they’re going to assume you did it.”

Her face pales at that, but it’s the obvious conclusion the cops are going to want to come to when they see her busted face.

“Here’s what I suggest.” I keep my voice calm and stay still so she doesn’t start freaking out again. “Take the money and then take Connor’s wallet and grab that expensive watch he’s wearing, grab whatever you need from this apartment, and then get the fuck out of here. Start over somewhere else, or just lay low and come back in a few months when no one gives a shit.”

“I don’t want to come back,” she whispers. “I don’t ever want to come back here.”

Keeping her eyes on me, she takes a shaky step closer to the money, and then grabs it, holding it against her chest like she’s afraid I’m going to snatch it back. I nod and then turn to leave. Before I’ve stepped out onto the landing, she says, “Thank you.”

I look back for just a second, hoping that wherever she goes next it treats her better than this place ever did. “Take care of yourself,” I tell her, and then Lev and I leave, stepping over Connor’s body on the way back to the car.

“Well that was fucking depressing,” Lev says. “I’m really glad you shot that fucker.”

“Yeah, me too. He deserved worse, though.”
