Page 15 of Paved in Blood

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“You never answered my question.” I look down and meet her eyes. They’re glassy from the alcohol, but still just as beautiful. “What did your mom whisper to you before we left?”

“I’d rather not say.”

I smile at the pouty tone of her voice. “Please tell me.”

Instead of answering, she laughs and says, “I can’t believe you called her a cunt.”

“That’s the perfect word to describe your mom.”

“It is,” she agrees. “I’ve just never had anyone else actually see her for what she is.”

When I keep holding her, waiting for her to tell me, she sighs and leans her head against my shoulder again.

“She told me that there’s no way in hell I’ll ever be able to keep the attention of a man like you, so I’d better enjoy the one night of pity sex I might get.”

“I was wrong. Cunt isn’t a strong enough word for your mom.” I’m so pissed I can barely think. I look around her small apartment. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Wait.” She pops her head up. “I can’t sleep with you, and I definitely don’t want pity sex, Roman.”

I don’t say anything, just carry her down the short hallway until I find her bedroom. Once inside, I look around at the clean but somewhat plain room. The apartment itself isn’t at all what I would expect from the mayor’s daughter. Stopping at the end of her bed, she clutches my shoulders even tighter, her breaths fast and hot against my skin, making my cock press painfully against my pants.

Leaning my face close to hers, I breathe in the soft floral scent of her perfume and kiss her cheek before setting her on the bed. She looks up at me with wide, frightened eyes, but underneath that fear is a desire that threatens to break down what little restraint I’m clinging to.

“You could never be a pity fuck, solnishka.”

I want to tell her that she’s the kind of woman a man slides into and never leaves, the kind of woman that makes all others disappear, but I don’t. She’s drunk, and I can’t get attached to the mayor’s daughter. She’ll never forgive me if I have to kill her dad.

Her eyes are already growing heavy, and when she pats the mattress beside her, I sit down and fight the smile that wants to spread across my face. She reaches out and grabs my hand, threading her smaller fingers through mine as she turns on her side, facing me.

“Can you stay until I fall asleep?”

“Of course.”

“My mom would be so proud,” she mumbles, letting out a snort of a laugh. “I finally allow a man into my bed, a super sexy one at that, and all I do is hold his hand.” She laughs again. “So pathetic.”

I arch a brow at her. “First man in your bed, huh? And super sexy?”

She blushes a deep red and groans. “God, forget I said that, so embarrassing.”

I use my free hand and brush aside a strand of her dark hair. “Why don’t your parents pay for you to live somewhere nicer?”

Closing her eyes, she says, “I don’t want their dirty money. I have some inheritance from my grandparents, and I waitress. I can take care of myself.”

I run the back of one finger along her smooth cheek, admiring what she’s just told me but knowing it’s bullshit. The world is a dangerous place, and Emily needs more to keep her safe than shallow, negligent parents and an apartment building with no security and flimsy locks on the doors.

She lets out a soft moan at my touch as she drifts into a deeper sleep, and I can’t help but imagine what would be happening right now if her parents had insisted Connor bring her home tonight. I know exactly what that fucker would do with Emily’s passed-out body, and it pisses me the fuck off. Keeping her hand in mine, I make a call to Danil. My voice is low, but even if she wakes up, I’m speaking Russian, so she won’t know what I’m saying.

“Everything all right?” he immediately asks.

“Yeah, it went well. I need you to find out everything you can on Emily Marston.”

“I researched the family before you left,” he says, and I can hear the fast clicking of his keyboard as he brings something up on his computer. “There’s not much to tell. I didn’t mention her because I didn’t think she’d be there. I get the feeling she doesn’t like the limelight.”

“Well, I’m at her apartment right now.” I sigh and look at her face, relaxed and peaceful and so fucking beautiful. “She had way too much to drink, so I brought her home.” I stroke the back of her hand while I fill him in on the business card she found in her dad’s pocket and what it had written on it.

“I’ll do some digging around,” he says, and I can hear the slight hint of excitement in his voice. I feel it too. This might be what we’ve been looking for. The whole reason we chose this city is because there’s enough evidence on the dark web to suggests this is the center of something huge, and everything keeps pointing to Emily’s dad and the other men in his inner circle.

“I need you to send over a couple of our new recruits. I want them on a rotating schedule, watching Emily and making sure she’s safe.”
