Page 13 of Paved in Blood

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I reach for my drink, but he grabs my hand and stops it.

“What the hell?”

He leans closer. “I think you’ve had enough. It’s not safe for you to get drunk here.”

“Why? You gonna hogtie me and force me to dance at your stupid strip club?”

“It’s not my club, and no. I would never allow you to dance there.”

No doubt I wouldn’t pass muster compared to all his gorgeous Russian strippers. He still hasn’t let go of my hand, and when I try to pull it away, he refuses to let me go.

“I think it’s time for me to leave.”

He gives me a big smile. “Perfect. I’ll drive you home.”

Chapter 3


Emily looks less than thrilled by my announcement. Her light brown eyes meet mine as her skin flushes an adorable red. She’s a beautiful distraction that I wasn’t planning on. When she’d first pulled on my arm, I’d thought she was stunning in her bold yellow dress, but I’d also thought that she was trying to get into my pants and was just godawful at flirting. It had quickly become obvious that something else was going on, and now I’m intrigued.

I’d read the card she pulled from her dad’s pocket, and now I need to know more. If she’s become suspicious of something and decided to start snooping around, she could find her cute little ass in a lot of trouble, and the thought bothers me way more than it should. I just met her for fuck’s sake. I shouldn’t give a shit, and yet here I am, offering to drive her home and protecting her from perverted assholes like Connor and Steve. I’d nearly reached across the goddamn table and stabbed that fucker in the eye with my fork when he’d called her sweetheart and talked about watching her grow up. The look on his face made it painfully obvious that he enjoyed watching her grow up way too much. Sick fuck.

“I don’t need you to drive me home,” she says.

“You’ve had way too much champagne.”

“I’ll call a cab.”

“I’m driving you.” I’m still holding her hand, and when I give it a soft squeeze and run my thumb over her silky skin again, a blush starts to creep up her chest. The urge to lean forward and run my tongue over her flushed skin is very strong. “Let’s say goodbye to your parents. We wouldn’t want them to worry.”

“Yeah, you clearly don’t know the first thing about my parents.”

I know a hell of lot more than she thinks, but I play dumb and stand up, keeping her hand in mine. Just to prove she can, she reaches out and grabs her champagne, drinking the last of it before standing up.

“Let’s get this over with.”

I smile and wrap my arm around her again, resting my hand on her hip. There’s no reason for me to do it except for the fact that I want to. She tries to shrug me off, but I dig my fingers into the hips that have been driving me crazy all night and pull her even closer.

“You’re awfully handsy for a guy I just met,” she mutters, but she relents and lets me guide her to where her parents are laughing with another couple.

God, everyone in this place is so fucking boring and fake. Everyone except the beauty on my arm. She’s a goddamn breath of fresh air. I ignore the fuck-me eyes from the older woman standing next to Angela and give them all my I’m just like you smile while I secretly think about killing them all slowly. Emily’s dad sees the way I’m holding his daughter, and all he does is smirk at me while the guy standing next to him gives me a way to go wink. It wouldn’t take much for me to unholster my gun and put a bullet in the fucker’s face, but I resist because now is definitely not the time.

“I’m going to drive Emily home, but we didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.” I hold my hand out to shake Chris’s hand. “I’m glad I was able to finally meet you,” I say.

He gives me his famous politician’s smile and clasps my hand. “I’ll be seeing you soon, Roman. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that club you mentioned.”

While I smile and nod, I see Angela lean closer and whisper something in her daughter’s ear. Emily stiffens in my arm, and without even thinking I give her a soft squeeze and move us so we’re both facing her mom. Angela looks up at me, hiding her surprise with an expression I’m sure she’s spent a lot of time perfecting, but it all looks plastic to me.

“Thanks for making sure she gets home safely, Roman” She leans closer, and I swear it’s just so she can show me more of her fake tits. “Emily never could hold her liquor,” she whispers loud enough for everyone to hear.

While they all share a laugh and Emily’s face turns beet red, I surprise myself by leaning down to kiss the top of her head before whispering in her ear, “Your mom is a giant cunt.”

Emily barks out a surprised laugh and then clamps a hand over her mouth to hold back the rest of it. I stand back up to my full height and look down at Angela with a fake smile of my own.

“It was nice meeting you. I’ll see you on the Fourth.”

Her smile looks downright painful, but she manages to get it out. I know she didn’t hear what I said, but she knows I said something, and she doesn’t care for it. From the looks of it, she’s been berating her daughter long enough, and it better not ever happen in front of me again. With one last round of smiles, we turn to leave. I don’t comment when Emily goes through three more glasses of champagne on our way out.
