Page 84 of Four Score

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“You want me to fuck you with my fingers, Click?” I use her nickname knowing it will light a fire under her ass. I’m too damn wound up to play nice.

She growls and my hand tightens. The way she trusts me with her body is so fucking enticing.

I nip at her ear and neck, pulling her skin between my teeth and leaving my mark on her as I pump my fingers in and out of her perfect pussy.

I watch our reflection in the window and feel my cock harden at the sight playing out before me. I’m still in my suit. I wasted no time. She is so fucking beautiful. Every inch of her. Mine.

She moves her ass along the seam of my slacks, putting pressure on my throbbing erection.

“Harder, more.” Her words are a whispered rasp, barely audible, but I see it in her eyes. I know what she needs. Slow is for later. Right now, I need to fuck my wife.

I squeeze her neck, knowing full well she’ll need to cover my fingerprints in the morning. I fuck her hard and fast with my hand, curling my fingers, until I feel her pussy clamp down around me. Her body convulses in my arms, her movements overtaken by her orgasm. I watch as she comes undone in front of me. So damn gorgeous.

I release her neck, and she drops her hands, heaving for air. She spins in my arms and looks up at me, her eyes shrouded in the haze of her orgasm. Her chest rises and falls, still catching her breath.

“It was always you, Damien.” She says as she pushes my jacket from my shoulders and begins unbuttoning my shirt. I unbuckle my belt and unbutton my pants, working with her to rid myself of the barriers between us. We don’t stop until we’re both standing stark naked in front of each other.

I can’t keep my hands off of her. I want to touch and explore her. We’ve overcome so much. Tonight is a rarity. It takes me back to that first night in Chambliss. The night that I knew in my heart, I would spend the rest of my life worshiping this woman.

“It’s always been you, Click.” I smirk.

I walk her backward toward the large king-size bed that sits in the center of the room.

“You know the rules.” She presses her palm to my chest and pushes me away playfully, a flirty smile teasing her lips.

I grab her hand before she can pull away and wrap my fingers around her wrist, tugging her into me.

My hardened cock presses into her belly. She looks up at me in surprise, her mouth popping open ever so slightly.

“You think I’ll get in trouble for fucking my best friend’s little sister?”

“I don’t know, why don’t you do it and find out? I dare you.”


I stretch my arms out over my head. The sun streams brightly through the windows of the hotel room.

Clothes are littered all over the floor. A champagne bottle sits empty on the nightstand.

I look over to Gia, who appears to be sleeping peacefully in the bed next to me, a white sheet barely covering the luscious curves of her delicious body. Her skin glistens in the sunlight, dark and creamy.

Bite marks cover her breasts, and an outline of my fingerprints darkens the skin on her neck. I look at the way I’ve marked her with pride. She’s going to play hell covering that up when we see Tyler today, and that thought alone gives me immense joy.

I ravaged her body last night until we both, finally, collapsed into the bed.

Talk about taking date night to the next level. How long has it been since we’ve been alone like this?

“Stop looking at me, Damien. It’s creepy.” Gia says, her eyes completely closed. Her voice is hoarse with sleep. My heart is so fucking full. Last night was everything. It was a culmination of everything we never thought we could do. We beat the odds.

I’m alive.

Tyler and Gia are working through a process of reconciliation. Our family is healing.

Astria is showing improvements daily. The clinical trial is still ongoing, but it’s showing promise.

And last night…we won the fucking Cup. Best of all? Flirty-doc’flirterson was sitting in that damn box to see it. Take that motherfucker.

Life might have beaten us the fuck down, but we won.
