Page 70 of Four Score

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I take my time with my reply. “We can’t protect her from everything. We can only help guide her. This could be as simple as a recurring migraine caused by something she’s eating or drinking. It could be growing pains. Or, it could be something else. But we’re doing the right thing. We’re seeking professional medical advice. We’ve already taken the first step. If we need to see a specialist, we will. We will do whatever we have to do to get answers, and once we have them, we’ll find the best possible treatment route. I promise.” I try to force myself to believe my own words. It’s so much easier to say them than it is to believe them to be true.

“Can I ask you something?” The waver in her voice destroys me.

“Anything.” I bury my nose in her neck and breathe her in.

“Will you take all of the thinking away? Will you help me forget, for a minute? I don’t want to have to think. I can’t turn it off, and it’s suffocating me.” She turns in my arms, looking up at me.

I hate the vulnerability I see there. She’s one of the strongest women I know. And tomorrow, at that appointment, she’ll have to hide these feelings away, because we have to put on a brave face for our daughter. And we will. Even if inside, we’re breaking.

“You want me to make love to you?” I kiss her tear-stained cheeks softly.

“Yes, please, give me something else to focus on. Let me feel you instead of this hurt that’s building in my chest.” Her hips rock into mine, and I tighten my hold on her.

I take her jaw in my hand and look deep into her eyes. “I’m going to fuck you until you’re so sated that you fall asleep and don’t wake up until tomorrow. Okay, baby?”

“Yes, God, yes.”

My lips find hers, and I kiss her long and hard. My tongue slides into her mouth, and I do my very best to steal every ounce of worry and fear from her.

I can tell the moment she relinquishes the feelings that were holding her captive through her anxiety, and instead of overthinking with her mind, she begins to feel with her body. Our kiss intensifies. Her hands roam beneath my t-shirt, lighting my skin with every brush of her skin on mine.

She circles my nipple with her fingertips. She pinches, applying pressure and shooting bolts of desire directly to my cock. She releases one and then moves on to the other one. Fuck that feels good. I groan my appreciation into her mouth.

I release her long enough to pull my t-shirt off over my back. She tugs at my briefs, and I assist her by kicking them from my legs. I slide the straps of her tank top down off her arms until her breasts are released. I watch them bounce with growing hunger as she shimmies out of her boy shorts, leaving nothing to separate us.

I lay back on the bed, and she straddles me, one knee on either side of my hips. This is her favorite position, and I know exactly why.

There’s no pretense, only need. Temptation unfurls inside of me. This feeling, years have passed and it’s still just as strong as it’s always been.

She sits up on her knees and hovers over my hardened erection.

She lifts her hand to her mouth and using her tongue she lubricates her palm. She’s so damn sexy.

Lowering her hand, she uses the liquid from her mouth to lubricate herself. She’s already driving me wild.

Her nipples harden as she touches herself. She pulls her hand away only to grip my length with her small hands and line the tip of my cock up with her entrance.

She doesn’t ease in. She doesn’t take her time or tease me. She slams down onto my cock taking me to the hilt and causing my eyes to nearly roll back into my head. I can’t tear my gaze away from her. She’s like a mystical, majestic creature. So curvy, so naturally beautiful, that she shouldn’t exist in the real world.

She whimpers as she slides her clit against my skin. She’s fully seated on my length, and it feels so good. Every movement she makes, pleasuring herself, only makes me that much harder inside of her.

“I love you, Gia. Take what you need from me, baby.”

She drops forward, placing her hands on the headboard behind me and giving me ample opportunity to feast on her perfect breasts. Not needing further invitation, that’s exactly what I do. Fucking hell. I grip her rip cage with one hand and use the other to massage one of her breasts while I suck the other into my mouth.

She rocks her hips on my lap again and again, rising up and down and swirling against me, creating a pattern that I know is going to pull us both over the edge. The feel of her slick, hot pussy hugging my cock is heavenly. I could live here and never be unsatisfied.

“Damien…” she says my name and I feel her tighten around me. So close.

My spine tingles with the beginning of my orgasm. I hear her breathing becoming heavier with each passing second.

“Take what you need, baby. Take it. Fuck me.” My voice is raw with emotion that I’m holding back.

I release her breasts and move my hands around to the cheeks of her ass. I increase the pressure of her movements and spread her cheeks so that she’s fully exposed. The globes of her lush ass fit perfectly in each of my hands. She was made for me. I pull her to me tighter, gaining an even deeper level of penetration. I press my hips up and pump inside of her, moving with her. I feel her arms quiver above me. Her body bows, and she cries out.

Her hips twitch as her body vibrates against mine and her orgasm pulls her under. Her pussy spasms and clenches around me, and I allow myself to fall too. I forget everything except the woman in front of me. I allow myself to get lost in the moment of unmeasurable pleasure.

The sound of our mingled gasps for air fills the room, followed by Gia’s quiet sobs.
