Page 60 of Four Score

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This feeling of empowerment is intoxicating. I feel like I can do anything.

I move, crawling on all fours across the bed to where he stands.

Without hesitation, I grip the waistband of his athletic shorts. My palm brushes his skin, and I swear I can feel the tightening of his abdominal muscles beneath my hands.

I tug his shorts down just enough so that his hardened length juts out between us the moment it’s released.

Click. Click. Click.

I kneel at the edge of the bed and lower my mouth down around the tip of his cock.

“Motherfucker,” he grunts.

Click. Click. Click.

I swirl my tongue around the tip and then swallow him until he bottoms out in the back of my throat.

He makes a garbled sound in his throat, and I smile to myself around his length.

I glance up just in time to see him lean and place the camera back down on the nightstand. He straightens and then moves closer to me until his shins hit the bed frame. He gives me the perfect angle to take him down my throat, which is exactly what I do, over and over again.

“Gia, baby, God, you’re so good at that.” One of his hands falls to the back of my head, but he doesn’t force me, he steadies himself while allowing me to create my own rhythm.

I suck.

I lick.

I enjoy the feeling of control that I have over his pleasure until he pulls away abruptly, leaving me licking my lips with the taste of him lingering.

He steps out of his shorts and briefs never once taking his eyes off of me.

He steps back to the bed, and I allow him to lay me down. He rains kisses down around me, starting at my collarbone and working his way over my breasts.

“Yes,” I call out as he pulls one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking until it’s hardened and then moving on to the next.

He glides his tongue over my ribcage and goosebumps light up my skin.

“I wonder how long I’ve loved you, Gia.” He says aloud as he climbs over my body, placing his hands on either side of me and hovering there.

His length teases me, barely touching my most sensitive parts.

“I think I was always meant to be yours, Damien,” I confess something I’ve thought about often.

Years ago, growing up together, we didn’t realize it at the time, but even then, I think our souls were connected on a different level. We had our own frequency, and never realized it.

“Good answer.” He positions his thick, muscular thighs between my legs, and I spread as wide as I can to accommodate him.

He takes a deep breath. “You’ve always been mine, Gia.” His lips run over my jawline.

I pull my knees up, enticing him to come closer. I can feel my orgasm already beginning to form.

I use the confidence that is still steadily flowing through my veins from our photo session and take his cock in my hand, lining the tip up with my entrance.

I angle my ass up and slide him in as far as I can in our position, but it’s not enough.

“More, Damien, please give me more.” The demand in my own words surprises me.

“You want me to fuck you, Gia?” He growls, and I can tell he’s walking the edge too, balancing, and just barely teetering without falling.
