Page 52 of Four Score

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I breathe out his name, “Damien”. He takes his time, working one side and then the other. My breasts swell beneath his touch. My nipples harden, and my orgasm begins to torturously build in my belly.

Gripping the towel around his waist, he releases the knot and allows it to fall to the floor, exposing his carefully sculpted, naked body.

I study every hard line. I allow myself to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the man that stands before me as he worships my body. I almost lost him. The realization steals the air from my lungs. Emotion claws its way up my throat and cinches off my oxygen.

His cock throbs angrily between us. It’s thick and covered with veins that I want to be inside of me. I’m desperate for his touch.

He drops to his knees in front of me, yanking my tank and shorts down my legs. I step out of them, and he moves them out of his way.

He kisses my belly. He brushes his lips over the stretchmarks left from my pregnancy with Astria. His lips don’t stop their descent until they reach the trimmed patch of hair just above my clit.

“You are magnificent,” he says the words just before his mouth descends on me. He places open-mouth kisses on my clit, my thighs, and my soaked opening. His lips and his tongue stoke me until I find myself gripping his hair in my hands and writhing on his face unapologetically.

The hair from where his stubble has grown into a beard does all the things that it promised in my fantasies and more, everything about this moment feels magnified.

With one hand tangled in his hair, I reach for the shower door with the other, needing something to stabilize myself. My legs feel weak, but that only makes me fuck his face that much harder. My hips move erratically as I feel orgasm threatening.

Like he can read my mind he says, “That’s it, baby, come for me. Let it go.”

With his permission, my pussy contracts and my orgasm rips through my body. God, it feels so good. I was worried I would never feel this again. Fuck.

Before I can finish riding out my pleasure, Damien stands and pulls us both into the shower. Hot water hits my already scorching skin. The water cascades over our bodies, bonding us together in a way that feels ethereal.

“Damien,” I whisper his name as we stare at each other. Does he feel it too?

“Gia, baby, I see you. I see all of you.” He says just before lowering his mouth to mine and consuming me.

He presses my back against the wall. I prop my leg on the bench and open wide for him.

He breaks away from our kiss, “I know your hesitation, Gia, but I want to be inside of you with nothing separating us.” I understand. I know what he means. He needs that connection.

I want him to mark me. I want him to brand me as his. The game has changed since that night in the hotel room.

I’m playing for keeps.

“Please, Damien.” It’s all I manage to say.

He lines the tip of his cock up with my entrance. Water splashes around us.

He stretches me slowly. He doesn’t stop until he’s fully seated inside of me. He rests his elbows on either side of my head. We both gasp for air in the humidity.

“You’re so beautiful, Gia.” He slides out and back in.

“You’re so caring, and thoughtful.” Out and in.

His words are intoxicating.

“You’re an amazing mother and wife.” Out and in.

My first orgasm still pulses slowly around his cock, but I can feel it building again. His praise lights me up from the inside out, filling a void I never realized was missing.

“Gia, fuck, I can’t do this without you. None of this. You and Astria, you’re my reason.” His hips begin to move faster as he takes what he needs and fills me with something else entirely. My heart is so full that it might burst in my chest.

I reach my hands up between us. I grip his face in my hands. Water falls all around us, but he stills for just a moment.

I kiss his chest before looking up into his eyes, “Damien, I love you.”

I say the words that have been strangling my heart for months. I finally release them and give them life. Relief floods my body.
