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“It hasn’t. It’s exactly as it was before we went to Chambliss.”

“That’s not what I meant, Gia. I think you misunderstood.” I nip at the lobe of her ear with my mouth before placing a kiss delicately behind it. Electricity skates up my spine with our proximity.

I walk us back one more step until I feel her back bump the countertop.

“Your condition. You said…”

I look her directly in the eyes, pressing my forehead to hers. I want her to hear me loud and clear when I say this.

“What I said was that I was going to keep you. That you couldn’t run. That the two of you stay here, with me. A family.” My nose brushes up against hers and my lips are just a breath away from touching hers.

“We’re here, Damien. We aren’t going anywhere.” She whispers in the space between us.

“Good answer,” I say just before closing my mouth down over hers.

God, I’ve missed this woman.

I slide my tongue into her mouth, and she opens up for me without hesitation.

My hand slips below the fabric of her sweatpants and I run my palm over the smooth skin of her ass. She’s not wearing any underwear, and the thought nearly makes me come unhinged.

I grip the cheek of her ass in my hand, and pull her body into mine, pressing my pelvis against her so there is no question as to how much I want her.

“Damien, we can’t!” She tries to push me away, and it doesn’t do anything but make me that much hungrier for her. I don’t budge.

“Kiss me, Gia. Just fucking kiss me, that’s all I’m asking. I need this. Please.” My balls will hate me for this later, but I just need to taste her.

She gives me a worried look, glancing at the bandage that still covers the incision on my neck. It’s mostly healed, but the wrapping won’t be removed until I’m cleared by my doctor. I’ll have a scar that I’ll live with as a reminder of that night for the rest of my life. A physical manifestation of the consequences of my actions. The loss for my team is on me. My inability to walk away from a confrontation with T, on me.

I understand her concern, but the consequences of waiting to touch her now that I’m up and moving again are outweighed by the feel of her tongue as it fights for dominance with mine in my mouth.

She twists the back of my t-shirt with her fists. I use my free hand to reach up and grip her neck, tilting my head to the side to gain a deeper angle on her lips. I swallow every pant and soft moan she gives me. My dick throbs against where I swear, I can feel her heat through the material that separates us.

If anything, all of the blood has left my neck and traveled south for the foreseeable future.

We stand there, in the kitchen, with the dishwasher open, and make out for what feels like an hour but isn’t long enough.

I slow the kiss, even though I wish it would never end, and finally bring myself to pull away. How is it that one kiss and this woman has my world spinning like a top? I place my forehead back on hers and gasp for air. When I open my eyes again, I see her swollen lips and big brown eyes staring back at me.

I swipe my tongue out and run it slowly over where her lips remain slightly parted, needing one more taste.

“You remember,” she says with disbelief.

I answer confidently, “I remember,” not wanting to leave even a shred of doubt in her mind.

“Damien, I…”

She starts, but I cut her off with one more chaste kiss. I don’t want her to question what’s happening between us. I don’t want her to turn me away because of my injury. I’ve lost so much already. I can’t take anymore. I need her here with me. I need to know she’s with me. Mine.

“Thank you.”

“For what exactly?” She looks at me curiously, her brown eyes searching my green.

“For saving me.”

Chapter Seventeen

