Page 61 of Devil You Know

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I stare into Holly’s blue eyes as I kneel in front of the small couch that she sits on, and I see the fight that burns so brightly inside of her. When so many would have crumbled under the weight of the news she’s heard today, she sits in front of me fearless.

Victor Adkins unknowingly gave his daughter a gift, and what’s better? He has no idea. He’s oblivious to the fact that his youngest daughter will be the one to bring him to his knees. They thought they could use her and discard her, but she’s so much stronger than they gave her credit for. They’ve underestimated her strength, and that’s how we win this war.

Reaching forward, I pulled Holly’s face to mine, wanting to taste her, needing to bathe in the light that surrounds her. She didn’t hesitate, sliding off the couch and straddling my lap on the wooden floor, her body molded to mine, and exact fit.

“Reid.” My name rolled off her tongue and onto mine as she slid it into my mouth and pressed her plump lips to mine. There was no rush, no sense of urgency, she was savoring me.

I pushed my fingers through the soft strands of her hair as I pulled her closer, inhaling her sweet, pure scent, allowing it to calm my nerves.

I have twenty-four hours to make sure Holly is prepared to fight a battle she was always meant to lose. But losing isn’t an option. We will fight, and we will win.

Tomorrow will be hell, so tonight, I allow her to take me to church.

Effortlessly, I lifted Holly with me as I stood from our spot on the floor and carried her to the bedroom, laying her out on full display in front of me on top of the sheets.

The moonlight is bright tonight as it filters through the windows and illuminates her skin. She’s glowing, her golden locks frame her face like a halo.

“I can’t get enough of you, Holly. I told you when we met that I always get what I want, and I want to keep you. Forever.” I stood at the end of the bed between her legs as she watched me, thoughtfully. She’s wearing a pair of black boy shorts tonight with a matching black tank top that contrasts against the light shades of her hair.

“Love was never meant for me to keep. Love is timeless, and unyielding. I don’t want you forever, Reid.” My heart tripped over itself as I was held captive by her words.

She sat up on her elbows as she looked directly into my blue eyes before she finally broke the heavy silence that hung between us. “Death is just as inevitable as life. No, I don’t want to keep you forever because forever has an expiration date. Our souls, our souls live on for an eternity. Keep me for eternity Reid.” Air whooshed from my lungs as she reached for the hem of my grey t-shirt, and I let her pull me down over her body.

She kissed my jaw, my lips, down my neck, until she got frustrated with the fabric between us and I lifted my shirt off over my head leaving me in a pair of government issued sweatpants that I’ve had since my academy days.

Her hands roamed slowly over my abs and down the thin line of hair on my stomach. Sitting up on her knees, she pulled off her tank top, exposing her perfect pink nipples, but before I could reach for them her mouth was on me again. She followed the invisible lines she drew with her fingers over my chest with her mouth. When she reached my nipples, she swirled her tongue around them lightly biting down, the sting causing a low groan to escape from my lips.

My eyes were transfixed by her movements as I watched her hips spread and the curvature of her spine bend. She leaned forward and continued to follow the line down my chest until she reached the waistband of my sweatpants. Using her small hands, she pushed them down until they were halted by my thighs, my hard cock bounced between us, and she smiled up at me seductively before taking the head between her warm lips.

“Fuck, Holly.” I let the tops of my thighs hit the bed as she sucked the length of my cock down her throat. Placing one hand on her head and using the other to grip one of her full breasts, I allowed her to set her own pace as she slowly pulled back until the tip of my cock was on the very edge of her lips. Wrapping her soft hands around the base she lightly squeezed and then slid her tongue around the rim of the head of my cock. My body jerked involuntarily beneath her touch as a deep pressure began to build in my lower abdomen.

She pulled back only to dip back in and swipe the tip of my cock with her tongue, licking the pre-cum before it could drip. “Reid, you taste delicious.” She smiled, and I was hypnotized by the moisture on her lips. She drew me into her mouth once more and swallowed me down until I hit the back of her throat eliciting a soft moan that sent vibrations of electric shock down my legs.

I tried to hold out, I waited until I couldn’t take it any longer. It took all of my restraint to pull away from her, pushing her back onto the bed until she was once again laid out in front of me, legs spread open. The moisture from her pussy soaked through her underwear and coated her lean thighs.

“No, I need to be inside of you when I come.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice; it was rough and tight with restraint.

I finished stepping out of my sweatpants and then reached forward pulling off her underwear and dropping them to the floor beside my bare feet.

Picking up her foot, I placed a kiss on the inside of her ankle, lightly trailing my lips up her calf until I reached the bend of her knee. She jerked as I placed kisses on the delicate skin behind her kneecap. Placing her foot down on the bed, I did the same thing with the other side until her legs were positioned, propped open, and she was fully exposed to me.


I climbed her body, resting an elbow on either side of her head, allowing the tip of my nose to touch hers. My cock sat rigid in the moisture between her legs, painfully begging for entrance with each beat of my heart.

“I thought I was invincible until you brought me to my knees.” My words were raw with emotion, my lips so close to hers as I spoke.

“I’m not your weakness, Reid. Find your strength in me. We were made to be a team.” Her eyes watched me with wonder as she lifted her hand to brush her fingers over the side of my face.

I rested my forehead on hers and fisted the sheets on either side of her head. “I can’t lose you, Holly. Tomorrow, I can’t...” My words were broken as the reality of what we would be facing was suffocating me, stealing this moment from me.

“Find your strength, Reid. Believe in us. I love you, Reid Chapman.” She pressed her lips against mine, and her words filled my lungs with hope.

My angel in the flesh.
