Page 38 of Devil You Know

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I wait her out as I stand on the porch; I’m curious, I want to see what she does.

She can’t escape me. I’m the predator, and tonight, she’s my prey.

What can I say?

I like to play with my food a little before I eat it, and I’m fucking starved.

No movement, she’s quiet, and that’s interesting. I don’t know what I’m walking into and that’s exciting.

Taking one more step toward the door, I decide to turn the knob to see if it’s unlocked. It’s not, good girl.

Doesn’t much matter to me because I have a key.

She’s running, I heard the sound of her bolting from the room as I slipped the key into the lock and let myself into the dimly lit home.

This is going to be fun.

She’s fast, but my legs are twice as long, and her cute little fuzzy socks aren’t giving her much traction as she races for the exit at the rear of the house.

She doesn’t turn to look, but a scream rips from her lungs the moment she realizes that tonight isn’t the night she gets away. No, tonight she’s mine.

The front room was lit by a small lamp, but it’s dark at the back of the house, affording me a few more seconds of anonymity as I slip my arm around her waist and my hand over her mouth to cover her screams.

“We keep ending up like this, don’t we princess?” I leaned over into her ear and spoke quietly as I spun her around and pressed her body against the door that was supposed to be her escape but has now become her prison.

Fuck, this woman, it’s cold in this house and yet her skin is on fire. And there’s so much skin, she’s the culmination of every fantasy I’ve had about her over the last few weeks.

A tank top stretches over her breasts, barely holding them in as they threaten to spill over from the top. Her legs are completely exposed in her tiny boy shorts. It’s too dark for me to see what color they are, but dammit if I don’t want to know.

I want to remember every detail about this night. I need the memory of her like I need my next breath, because when this is over, and it will end eventually – it has to, I want to replay this night over and over in my mind. I already know I’m going to need to use her memory while I fuck every woman that comes after her.

I watched her chest heave, gasping for oxygen, but I didn’t give her time to breathe as I covered her mouth with mine and swallowed down what was left of her air. Her lips bruised mine as we slammed together in an explosion of skin and teeth.

There is nothing slow or gentle about tonight, this is our battlefield and neither one of us is prepared to lose.

I pinned her hip against the wall with one hand and gripped her jaw with my other as I took what I needed with zero remorse.

She bucked her hips under my firm grasp as she fought me, but she wasn’t trying to get away, no she was pushing to get closer…harder…more.

A small gasp escaped her lips as I bit her plump bottom lip, and she opened for me on command. Sliding my tongue into the warmth of her mouth, she fought back sucking…hard, swallowing my tongue down her throat and taking every bit of my saliva with it. She’s tasting me, and that’s sexy as hell.

My cock reacted instantly, throbbing painfully against the zipper of my jeans. I squeezed her jaw harder, wanting her to feel what she was doing to me, forcing her to release me long enough for me to slide my tongue back out and begin my descent over her jawline. I held her in place as I bit and sucked over her jaw, moving to her neck and collarbone.

My body convulsed with need as her hands flew to the waistline of my pants, and she attempted to pull me closer with surprising strength.

“Reid.” My name came from her mouth in a growl when I didn’t give her what she wanted, and it did nothing but make me want to take more from her.

When I’m finished tonight, there might not be anything left of either of us.

“I’m going to fuck you, princess. I’ve been waiting for you, I’ve been watching, but my hand just isn’t doing the job anymore. I’m going to take what’s mine, and tonight you are mine. Do you understand?” I pulled back far enough that I could gauge the reaction in her eyes as I spoke.

Her eyes blazed with a fire that mimicked my own. “Don’t. Call. Me. Princess.” She didn’t attempt to move, her face was made of stone, but her lips receded exposing her teeth as she clapped back, and her words came out in a snarl.

She’s not a princess, no, she’s a fucking warrior.
