Page 81 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Where the fuck do you get off being rude as hell to my woman?”

“You’re… you’re Daemon Campbell?” she stuttered.

“Why the fuck does it matter who the fuck I am?

“Umm I’m sorry to your woman. It was a troubling day and we were swamped,” the woman had the nerve to flutter her lashes.

I looked down at Aliyah, “Is she serious with this shit?”

She nodded, “Yep.”

Then I looked at the doctor, nodded, pulled my phone out and went to coach’s number, then I asked, “Your job is dependent on the students that come to see you. Correct?”

She nodded, “Well, yes, we want every student to have access to care.”

I nodded, then I called coach.

“Daemon? Thought your appointment wasn’t for another half an hour?” He was excited too.

The bastard.

“It is. But when Aliyah found out she was pregnant, she came to the campus doctor. The bitch had the nerve to be rude as hell to her and then as she was leaving, she said that it’s a wonder that woman is even pregnant. Did you see the size of her ass? Oh, and let’s not forget to mention that she tried to say that she was raped before. Then the bitch laughed.”

The doctor's eyes were wide at every word that came out of my mouth when she realized that yes, my woman had heard every word she had said.

“What’s her name?” Coach asked.

I told him.

He said, “Give me five.”

We stood there for five minutes, and then ten minutes later the actual dean walked through the door and told her she was fired.

But before she walked out of the building, I growled, “For your information, I happen to love her fucking ass. And she was raped before, you cold-hearted bitch. That’s how we have our son. It’s why she knew to come and have a test run when she had similar symptoms.”

We were ten minutes late to her appointment, but after they saw the commotion across the street and found out why, needless to say, they weren’t too worried.

And then when I heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time, I was amazed.

We both decided that this was the doctor we were going to use because no one in the office had disrespected Aliyah. We had an appointment in four weeks to find out what we were having.

It was later in the day, and we were outside of the football house grilling burgers and hot dogs before the first game of the playoffs.

Before Crew ran off to go play with Marcus and the guys, he pressed a kiss on Aliyah’s belly. He had seen me doing it and had asked why.


“Yeah, buddy?” I asked him as I poured him some chocolate milk.

“Why do you kiss Mommy’s belly?”

I smiled at him, “Because I can’t kiss the baby yet on his or her forehead. This way, I can do it and let it know that it’s loved.”

I didn’t know if this was what every parent did, but it damn sure was something that I was doing.

I found myself glancing over in Crew’s direction every five minutes… or less… making sure that he was okay. Today we had a lot of people over here, more than normal, and some of them recognized Crew, but none of them knew him.

Arms wrapped around my body, and knowing how she always did it, my body didn’t even flinch.
