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I freaking hated people who pitied me.

Then she nodded, “Let me get him for you, okay?”

At my nod, she called him.

“Hey Chief, there’s a young man here to see you. His name is Daemon.”

I saw her listening to what he said, and then she nodded and hung up.

Then she looked over her shoulder and called to one of the cops there and asked him to take me to the Chief’s office.

The man smiled at me and then gestured for me to follow him. Thankfully, we didn’t have to walk far, because the Chief met us halfway.

When he reached us, he smiled at me, and then offered me his hand, “Daemon, how are you, son?”

I returned his handshake and said, “I’m okay. How are you?”

I saw something in his eyes before it went away.

Instead, he simply smiled, “I’m okay, thankfully, because of what you did, Lily hasn’t had any nightmares. So, thank you for that.”

I nodded my head, “Anyone would’ve done it.”

That was when he shook his head, “No, son, not just anyone would throw their already beaten body atop someone else to protect them. That takes a special type of person.”

I shook my head and instead of arguing with him, I said, “Thank you for the magazines. And Lily for the get-well bear.”

He nodded, “Of course.”

“Let’s take this to my office. I’ll give you some important advice right now. Cops gossip more than a gaggle of old women,” he said sternly, but I could definitely hear the humor in his tone.

I followed him to his office after I heard the agreement from the cops that they did, in fact, gossip.

Once he sat down on the edge of his desk, and I took the black chair across from him, he started with something that I had told him about one day while only he was there in the hospital, “I investigated who your father could be, and we found him. He paid your mother two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to raise you until you were eighteen.”

I nodded at him, well at least there was that.

“So, not that I’m not happy to see you, but what’s up?”

I looked down at my hands where they rested on the tops of my thighs and said, “You told me that if there was ever anything you could do for me, to let you know. Did you mean that?”

When he was silent, I looked up at him, then, once he apparently made sure I could see into his eyes, he said, “Something you should know about me right quick. I don’t say anything I don’t mean. And I never, and I mean I never, break my promises.”

I nodded, “Okay, I wanted to see if you knew someone that would be willing to train me. I want to learn how to protect myself when the doctor clears me.”

And just like that, three months later, I had taken the towel that my trainer had just handed to me and headed for the showers.


“What do you think?” I asked Fergus.

He was the best of the best.

Not only does he hold the record for knockouts with MMA, but he’s also undefeated during his time in the UFC. Also, he’s got three fighters' title belts.

He’s that good.

But we weren’t talking about fighting professionally with Daemon. We were at first, but not after he tried out for football. He was going that route, the kid seemed to be good at everything he did, but he had a glint in his eye when it came to football. It was something that you couldn’t learn, and it was something that couldn’t be taught.
