Page 43 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“Where was our invite?”

I looked at Daemon and then leaned in and asked, “Can I trust them not to hurt Crew?”

Apparently everyone heard me, but they didn’t answer me, they just looked at me with respect in their eyes.

At Daemon’s nod, I said, “Well, I’ve been promising Marcus a home-cooked meal, if it’s okay with everyone, I can cook it here and we can all get to know one another. That way, no one feels left out.”



“What are you making?”

Those were the questions that were thrown out at me.

“That’s up to y’all. But I was thinking about Chicken Marsala, homemade mashed potatoes with a peanut butter pie for dessert.”

“Count me in,” Came from Culpepper.

“Damn, now I’m hungry,” Braydon said as he ran his hand over his stomach.

“Oh, can we do that tomorrow night?” Davis asked.

“Sorry, guys. But tomorrow night I’m having a date with my mommy, maybe the next night.”

I grinned at Crew.

Then I nodded, “That works if it does for everyone else.”

After I received a handful of yes’s and a few yes ma’am’s, I grinned then watched as a game unfolded.

Which consisted of the guys all getting controllers and playing. Crew handed his controller over to Marcus and then climbed into Daemon’s lap.

And Daemon didn’t miss a beat as he situated himself and explained what he was doing.

Then I heard him whisper, “Watch this.”

Then his player ran and tackled Braydon.

Braydon looked at him, and the shock was evident all over his face, “What was that for?”

Daemon didn’t miss a beat and did it again, then he muttered, “Your freaking language.”

Laughter from everyone sounded.


It was four nights later.

Daemon had walked us to our car and opened our doors for us, and then pressed a kiss on my forehead and told me to let him know when we made it home. So, I did.

My date with Crew consisted of ice cream and a movie at the theater.

And yes, I cooked dinner for everyone in the house and had to smack hands with a wooden spoon I had because they all tried to taste everything.

Crew laughed every time I did it. Then he said, “They will learn, Mommy.”

I looked at him and said rather loudly, “The next person that dares to try and taste anything before I say it's time to eat is getting sacked by Daemon, and then I’m siccing Marcus on them.”
