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When I didn’t answer her quick enough for her liking, she snapped, “Carter.”

“I’m here, baby. You should know my answer already. If this will make you happy, then I’m all for it. Where do you need me?” I told her, as I put away my tools, and then headed to let Storm know I would be gone for the rest of the day.

I heard her sigh, and then that gorgeous smile of hers that lit up my fucking world came through the phone, “At the hospital in an hour.”

I nodded and then smiled, “Got it. I’ll be there.”

And I showed up right on time with a baby carrier and a few little boy’s things in my arms.

And when my woman saw that, as well as Stella and some other woman, all she did was smile and nod.

And just like that, we signed our names on the dotted line and became parents for real this time.

And since the mother didn’t give a fuck, we were asked what we wanted to name our son.

Raine looked at me, and then smiled and said, “Elijah Trevor Calaveras.”

Something else happened when we got home, Storm had called in reinforcements and there waiting for us was the MC with loads and loads of baby crap.

So much stuff that we hadn’t needed to buy a single thing.

Four months later Elijah was back to the health that a newborn baby should be at.

Sure, he still had to take some medication to reverse the effects that were done to him, but he was healthy and happy, and that was all that mattered.

Another thing that had happened, Raine had gotten the flu.

And the birth control she was on had taken a back burner.

A month later when she couldn’t keep anything down and the smell of her favorite snack, Bugles with Nacho Cheese made her nauseous, I ran to get some pregnancy tests.

Never in my life could I have promised myself to be happy when I was eight years old, could I have known that I would be this happy.

My heart was so full it was damn near bursting when Elijah leaned down, ever so carefully, and pressed a kiss on his sister’s forehead.

And wouldn’t you know that she reached out with her little hand and wrapped it around Elijah's finger and fell right to sleep.



Dozens of pictures lined our walls.

I didn’t know how my dad knew, but he knew.

He knew the relationship that was formed when I was eight and Tank was nineteen years old that it was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing.

He snapped pictures of us throughout the years.

We had a lot of pictures.

But my favorite ones were the days that Tank came home.

Dressed in his BDUs in the forecourt of the clubhouse with me up in his arms.

I smiled at those pictures and then tried to be as stealthy as I could like my husband as I crept down the hall to our daughter’s nursery.

We added the room onto our house when we passed the twenty-week mark and the baby, and I were determined safe.
