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Yes. I was.

But did I want his mind on me and not where he was and what he needed to do, no.

Because all too easily I learned that if your mind wasn’t right. If it was focused on something back home, then you risked getting shot at. The kind of shot at that there's no coming back from.

What I did know was that he had a good reason for going back.

He had to have.

Because he promised to never break another one to me if he could help it.

It’s been three months since Tank left for places unknown.

These three months have been difficult to say the least.

In between working my new job as an RN in the NICU at Carolina Regional and being worried about him, as well as hiding something from everyone was taking its toll on me.

Let’s just say it’s been a hard three months.

I’m lucky if I hear from Tank at least once a week and that’s usually on Wednesdays. It’s been two weeks since I last talked to him.

When my day gets bad, I’ll scroll through his voicemails and listen to them just so I can hear his voice. He makes everything better.

I had just left the supermarket for a weekly grocery run when suddenly; I began having a dull ache in my lower stomach. It felt like cramps, but it was probably just constipation from all the beans I have been craving lately.

It lasted for about two minutes and then I was good.

Sadly, to say it only continued and got worse during the rest of my day, I took two Tylenol to see if that would ease it off. It seemed to help a little bit.

Thinking it was just an upset stomach, I decided I needed some Pepto.

But knowing we didn’t have any here and knowing that I really shouldn’t chance driving right now, I pulled up Lena’s contact.

Me – Can you do me a solid?

Lena – Sure Pea what’s up?

Me – Any way you can run me some Pepto?

Lena – You gassing up the place Pea?

Me– Ha… Ha… Ha

Lena – Well I’ve been telling u that u needed to lay off dem beans. LOL

Me – Smartass, thanks.

Lena – Yo welcomes. OMW

I had a stinking suspicion that because the cramps have been an all-day thing that it wasn’t the beans or constipation causing this. Just to be safe and sure I wanted to try the Pepto.

I was resting on the couch, the Tylenol not even touching it when Lena, without knocking mind you because she knew Tank wasn’t here, showed up.

If I wasn’t hurting so bad, I would have laughed at what she had around the bottle.

A purple bow, you know the kind they put on presents.

She was a cow like that.
