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“Knew it would be good with you. But had no fucking clue it would be like this.” He gritted his teeth.

Panting, he said breathlessly, “Need you to come, baby. I can’t hold it off anymore.”

“I need… more.” I told him.

His eyes were tense, I could see the control he had was fading. Fading fast.

He let go of my ass with one hand then did something with my clit that made stars dance in my eyes, and then I felt it. Fireworks. Stars. Galaxies.

“Thank fucking, God.” He said as he thrust once more inside of me and stilled.

And that was when I felt it. His hot cum shooting inside me.

“Well, I’m not a virgin anymore,” I whispered against his lips.

The gleam in his eyes almost brought me to tears with happiness.

“That’s good, Raine. Means I won’t have to hunt whoever was here before me and kill them.”

I laughed and then groaned when he pulled out of me and carefully sat me down on my feet.

Pulling my underwear off, as he pulled up his pants.

Then he pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose, opened the back door, grabbed a plastic bag, and handed it to me for my underwear and I had to giggle at the pack of wet wipes he produced.

And there, on the wipes was the evidence of what we had done and my virginity.

“If I was a sick son of a bitch, I’d have that wipe fucking framed and preserved for all of time.”

I looked at him like he had a screw loose and shook my head.

After we were back in the truck, I needed him close.

I couldn’t explain why.

I just needed him close.

Therefore, I didn’t hesitate to climb over the console and settle myself on his lap.

“Whatcha doing?” He asked me with humor in his eyes.

“Getting settled for the ride home,” I told him as if it was an everyday occurrence.

He chuckled, then shrugged, “Let’s hope we don’t get pulled over.”

“Fuck it. I’m comfortable.” I said as I nuzzled the side of his neck.

“Fuck it indeed.” And with that, he started the truck up.

And once we got home, he surprised me as he started up the bath water, added a bath bomb and flexed his arms and his back as he did so.

It took me a second to realize what he was doing and that was trying to drive me crazy and turn me on. Well, I can play fire with fire too. I shimmed out of my clothes and was giddy that he immediately stopped what he was doing and stared.

When I can make a grown-ass man stop and stare? Yeah, I am doing something right, thank you to the bag of Doritos I had for a snack before my exam today.

He shook his head and then held out his hand for me to get in the water.

Once I was settled inside the water, he leaned down and whispered, “Can’t wait to make love to you again.”
