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With his arms wrapped around me, my face pressed into his barrel of a chest, I didn’t fight back the remaining tears, and all the while, my dad rubbed my back and murmured, over and over again, “I got you, Cookie. I got you.”

After he dropped me off at my house, he nodded at Lena whom I had texted when we stopped for gas.

She wrapped her arms around me and then we headed into my house.

And there on the couch as we shared a bottle of Jack my dad handed me; I told her everything that happened.

She was the light of reason that I couldn’t judge him for three reasons.

Firstly, we didn’t know how he felt about me. We didn’t know if my emotions and feelings were reciprocated.

Second, I couldn’t judge him because we weren’t together. That statement was plain as freaking day.

And third, because we didn’t know what had happened leading up to what I walked in on, I couldn’t judge him without having the facts.

But she was also the voice of reason as to why I should move on and stop having him on a pedestal and comparing him to every guy I’ve ever met.

Which had me wondering if all this time, he was placating me and letting me be his best friend before I met Lena.

Because let’s face it. No one wants to be nineteen years old and have an eight-year-old as a best friend.

I had way too much Jack to be thinking any of that.

Therefore, to move on, I should accept the coffee date from a guy that had asked me out.

So, while a lot of Jack flooded my system, I accepted the coffee date.

But as I laid in bed that night beside Lena as she snored rather loudly, I might add, one of my dreams was being shot to crap.

Because I wanted my first date, my first everything to be with Carter ‘Tank’ Calaveras

Fate was one fickle heifer.

I was never drinking again.

Chapter 10


Sitting at the table, with no sign of Raine still, I tried to run different scenarios through my mind.

Different plans. It was what I did. Cause and effect. Entry and Exit.

And this minefield I had stepped into with Raine would be no different.

However, I shouldn’t have relied on planning anything when it came to Raine. And that was proven when I heard my president’s phone ring.

He checked the caller, smiled, then brought it to his ear, “Cookie.”

I knew it was Raine just from that one endearment.

But… when I watched that smile on his face drop, his shoulders tensing, that alone told me that shit wasn’t good.

My body tensed, ready to jump up and do whatever was necessary if she was hurt.

But before I or anyone else could ask him what was wrong, he was up and out of his chair and moving out the door.

Looking over at Red where he stood, I asked, “Should we follow?”
