Page 39 of Rise

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And before she could answer me, from my peripheral vision, I saw the door to my room open, and then… I felt all the blood in my body drain out of me, even more so when I heard, “Tank, you big butt head, why didn’t you come to…”

She trailed off. And I fucking knew why.

Because at the door, it had a clear view to the bathroom and the clear as fuck shower door.

She could see everything.

Every part of me.

And every part of a naked soon-to-be fucked up, Summer.

After Raine closed her eyes, sighed, and then let out a breath, she nodded, and then closed the door.

But not before I saw those tears in her eyes. Son of a fucking bitch.

“Raine. Wait.” I all but shouted at her. Knowing it was pointless. The music was blaring down in the main room of the clubhouse.

And I knew that by now, she had to be far away from here.

Looking at Summer I snapped, “Get the fuck out and don’t you fucking dare come near me again.”

She looked confused, and why I had no fucking clue. I never made any move to her. Ever.

But it was what she said next that told me why she was confused.

I was one dumb fuck.

“But… you kissed me back.”

I shook my head and snarled, “It was a moment of insanity. Now get the fuck out, I’m fucking off limits to you.”

When she didn’t move, instead she opened her mouth to say something else, I wrapped my hand around her throat, effectively shutting her up.

“Not. Another. Fucking. Word. Summer. You come at me again, and I’ll have the club bless me by putting a bullet between your eyes. You’re doing the same goddamn thing that men do to women. My fucking answer is no, and it always will be no.”

I didn’t pay her any mind after that, she knew all of us well enough to know to get gone when you’re told.

Sighing, I finished my shower, but not before I let the hot water wash away six months of sand, dirt, debris, and blood. I even had new scars from this latest mission to show for it.

Looking into the mirror, I let out a string of curses at what I saw. Red fucking lipstick was smeared on my lips.

Lips that were the wrong color.

Lips that had another’s touch them.

Knowing that not only did I have to apologize for fucking ignoring her, missing her birthday, and her fucking graduation, but I had to apologize for allowing another woman to touch me.

I know I did nothing wrong. Technically. We weren’t official, but I knew I was hers.

It felt like I was cheating on my heart. It burned me to let someone else touch me, but I hadn’t even told her how I felt. Well enough of that shit, it was high time I got what I wanted.

I got dressed and headed to the common room for the monthly dinner and to find my woman. Because she was mine.

I was surprised to see Cassidee already here, seeing that her mom and dad, especially her dad let her come alone. Because her dad was none other than the President of the mother chapter of Wrath MC, Cotton.

Cassidee was here to help rebuild a falling-down diner that the town freaking loved.

And I was even more surprised to see her talking to Clip. I wasn’t worried about Clip; he’s the most respectful dude out of all of us.
