Page 28 of Rise

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To which Lena saw and winked at me. Every. Single. Time.

That night, as I lay in my bed, I sent up a silent prayer that on my eighteenth birthday, I would have the courage to tell him how I feel.

And that he wouldn’t think we were ruining our friendship.

Chapter 6


I was in the process of starting to make the calls I needed to make it known that Raine was mine and I was hers.

That was until I saw a number come up on my phone. No.




I debated not answering it.

For five seconds versus the one second, it usually took for me to take that call.

And that was because I didn’t want to take the fucking call.

I was fucking pissed. So fucking pissed off.

I dreaded the conversation I had to have with Raine.

Not to mention, all the shit I had planned out, it all went to hell and a fucking handbasket after I hung up the phone.

Apparently, they were calling us all back four days before we were supposed to be back. Four fucking days. Meaning the time frame, they needed us in, I had to be at the airstrip in two fucking hours.

If it had been something else other than what they needed me for, I would have told them to fuck off. But sadly, I couldn’t fucking do that.

And tomorrow, fucking tomorrow was the day I was going to be telling Raine that shit between us was going to be changing. Immediately fucking changing.

I was missing her birthday. Her fucking eighteenth birthday.

I had so much I wanted, no, needed to say to her. Son of a fucking bitch.

Not to mention I was probably missing her graduation too.

Instead of calling her, I called Storm, and the first words he said were, “You ready for tomorrow?”

He knew. He fucking knew what I was planning on doing tomorrow.

“Storm…” And with that one word, I’d never felt so helpless before.

Chapter 7


When I awoke that morning, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, less than twenty-four hours from now I would be turning the big eighteen. I couldn’t freaking wait.

Jumping out of bed I did what I needed, then got dressed in some short shorts, and a fitted tee shirt.

Walking into the kitchen I made myself some breakfast and then headed over to Lena’s house so we could go and get our toes and nails done.
