Page 25 of Rise

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After that happened, I didn’t say a word, my thoughts were running rampant.

Did that mean what I think it meant? That he was saying he was mine. I freaking hoped so. Because I wanted to be his.

A proven fact that he knew me better than anyone else, he surprised me and nodded to the two things that were sitting on his bike waiting for me. A can of Dr. Pepper and my bag of Nacho Cheese Bugles.

Smiling wide, I grabbed them and then blew him a kiss. Did he catch it and place it over his heart without a care in the world about who was watching? Yes, he did.

After I ate my fill, all the while handing one to Tank every so often, and drank my drink, I got my helmet on and then settled on the back of Tank’s bike.

I glanced over at Lena to see a smile on her face with wide eyes. I knew that she heard what Tank had said to me. That was proven true when we both giggled, and Tank’s eyes bounced from her to me, and then he muttered with a smile on his face, “Women.”

When we made it to the meeting spot to meet the other bikers that were taking part in the charity, imagine our delight when we filled a Walmart parking lot. Completely filled it.

There wasn’t a parking space left to be seen that didn’t house a bike.

There were bikes everywhere, as well as a few vans and some trucks. The vibration was so loud you could see the windows in nearby stores moving. I freaking loved it.

When I looked around and saw Chelsea, I smiled, got off Tank’s bike, removed my helmet, and sat it on my seat, then I raced over to her, calling out as I ran, “Chels!”

She whipped her head around, smiled her huge smile, and then raced over to me.

Chelsea is the daughter of Skinner, the Icer, for a chapter of Wrath MC in Tennessee.

“Raine! It’s so good to see you!” She squealed as I wrapped my arms around her.

Lena came bouncing up and once I introduced her to Chelsea, the two of them started gabbing, and numbers were exchanged.

Seeing Harlow, I walked over to her and hugged her, she whispered in my ear, “You happy he’s home?”

I nodded and then pulled back from her, “So much.”

I was close to Harlow. After the last rally, some idiot had been rude to Chelsea, I had ripped him a new one before Skinner and Harlow could make it over to us.

Something else had happened to the idiot, he carried a busted-up face from Declan. Who just so happened to be the President of another chapter of Wrath MC in Alabama.

I was standing there talking to Harlow about a few classes I was excited to take, when I heard someone’s voice, I haven’t heard in over a year, “Damn, Raine. You look prettier and prettier every time I see you.”

I jumped, and then whirled, and then laughed, “Maddox.”

Maddox just so happened to be the son of Cooper and Miriam, as well as Shiloh’s nephew.

He started to wrap me in a hug, and that was until a body materialized in front of me. Glancing up I shook my head when I saw who had blocked him.

“Good to see you, man.” Tank rumbled to Maddox.

“You too, man. But you blocked my hug, mind stepping aside?” Maddox asked.

Tank shook his head and then said, “Nah, don’t think I will.”

Shaking my head, I looked around Tank at Maddox and then asked, “How's Kiiri doing?”

“She’s good. She’s over there” He nodded to the group he was with.

Nodding, I looked up at Tank and then tugged at his bicep, which was our signal for him to lower his head.

He did as I asked, and then I whispered in his ear, “Maddox loves Kiiri, and she loves him. They are committed to their relationship. Now, move so I can get my hug, and then go see some smiling faces.”

Kiiri also happened to be the oldest daughter of Knox and Fiona.
