Page 23 of Rise

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Let us not forget the hat he had on backward. My kryptonite.

Just his presence alone made my heartbeat faster. Can you imagine what I’ll be like in the future? Oh, that is scary. But freaking exciting.

Once he reached me, a smile so wide on his face I got to see his dimples, he asked, “You ready, Gray?”

He was taking off his hat, tucking the bill into the back of his jeans, and putting his helmet on.

“Yeah totally. I’m super stoked.” I really was excited. This event was by far my favorite event of all time plus I got to be with Tank so that was the icing on this girl’s cake.

After he mounted in front of me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and scooted closer.

That was when my dad locked eyes with me, winked, and then said, “All right. Y’all know what we’re doing today. We have the second leg for the kiddos. Anyone that has a rider with him now, will be climbing in the back of the trucks. And then once we trade the kids to the next group it’ll be time to eat.”

“Let's make some kids smile,” I called out.

To that, everyone hooped and hollered.

When he started the bike, the vibrations made my vagina tingle, and it was such a turn-on. If you’ve never been on the back of a bike before, then you don’t know what you’re missing.

Come on the big day. Please hurry. I said to myself.

And then like a well-oiled machine we were off.

My dad took the lead, as Clip with Summer on the back of his bike got beside him.

Normally, seeing as Red is my dad’s VP he rode beside him, however, since this was Lena’s first ride, they rode beside us. We were right behind my dad. With everyone else falling in behind us and Gravel taking up the rear since he’s the Road Captain.

I became lost in thought as we started through town to make that four-hour ride.

Something that had a slight damper on my mood was that I knew he had to leave right after my graduation which was taking place in two weeks.

And I freaking hated it.

I wanted more time with him.

I wanted all the time we had left on this earth with him.

But I couldn’t be selfish.

I couldn’t be like that.

I refused to be like that.

Because I was proud of him. So dang proud of him and what he does.

But hopefully, when he left to go back, he would officially be mine. My big day couldn’t get here fast enough.

We rode up through the mountains and along the streams and creeks that seemed to flow forever. And seeing as it's nearing the end of May and the first of June, the weather was perfect. Not too hot yet with a good breeze.

We had been riding for almost two hours when my dad signaled right, and we all pulled into a convenience store. Good, because I had to pee like a freaking racehorse.

Laughing, I nodded and took off my helmet with blinding speed.

Tagging Lena’s hand, I pulled her with me, and we headed to the bathroom at a near run. Obviously, the coffee we’d both consumed earlier was catching up to us.

While we were both peeing when I heard the bathroom door being opened.

And that was when some other chicks, by the sound of their voices, that I knew weren’t a part of our group began running their mouths.
