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A fact she was totally okay with.

After I showed her around the clubhouse and helped her settle into her new room at Red’s house, we binged on popcorn, watched movies, and talked about our love lives. I showed her a picture of Tank.

And thankfully, she caught my feelings for the man without me having to say a word about it.

She told me about a boy she thought she was interested in until she watched him walk past a girl that was being bullied and purposefully ram into her, which knocked all the stuff she had in her arms.

I also found out that Lena stood up for others because she had helped that girl pick her stuff up, and then later in the day, her foot slipped, and he went sailing to the ground.

To which she had said loudly, “Doesn't feel good to be embarrassed, now does it?”

She was my hero.

Chapter 4


I’ve been gone for four months. Four long fucking months and I missed the hell out of Raine.

While I was gone, I had a lot of time to think about everything. She would be turning eighteen soon. And it was time to put my plan into action.

Because seeing her was like a punch to the gut.

In fact, I had even laid out my plans with Storm when I got back.

I respected the hell out of Storm. This was why before I brought it up to Raine that I was going to make her mine, I had to lay out everything in front of him. He was not only my pres. but her father as well.

Sitting there at the stoplight my answer to him when he asked me what I would do if he had said no, caused a sly smirk to break across my lips.

‘I’ll make her mine anyway. There is no me without her.’

Yesterday had been a perfect day relaxing with Raine. I also got to officially meet my sister, and I could tell that we weren’t going to get along as I had hoped we would. I also got to meet Raine’s other best friend Lena.

I liked Lena. I liked her a lot. And that was only because she matched Raine perfectly. Even more so the girl didn’t look at me like I was a piece of meat, and the only topic we talked about was Raine.

And I was glad that while I was gone, Raine would have someone else she could talk to. Someone that got her as I got her.

It was a day later when I saw her again.

In fact, I had even pouted when she told me that she would be busy today working on an assignment for one of her classes.

This time she was walking into the grocery store with some meathead-looking wanna-be who had his arm wrapped around her fucking shoulders.

Yeah, that shit ain’t flying.

Even more so when he said something to her, and she tossed her head back and laughed.

But I was okay with that. Somewhat.

Because it wasn’t the laugh that I was so used to. The one where she laughed and gave zero fucks. With full abandonment.

My mood went from aggravated that the fucker had his arm around her shoulders, to I’m going to bury this son of a bitch when I saw him put his arm around her waist.

Lucky for him I decided against it when she slid out of his grasp and told him to stop. Gone was the laughter in her eyes and her voice. It was stern as fuck.

I stalked in after them and when I got to Raine I did what any human male would do. Or rather what I would do considering it was Raine.

I wrapped my arm around her waist, hauled her up my body, pulled her close, and ran my nose along the column of her neck.
