Page 14 of Rise

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I just didn’t know what happened after they both received a point-blank shot in their foreheads.

Sure, killing people was a sin.

Yes, it was.

But it was only a sin to needlessly kill someone.

I mean, for soldiers defending their country, it was given. Saving the lives of their brothers was even more of a given.

Killing pedophiles and rapists? Yes, that was a given as well.

And another given was any person that beat a child. No matter their age. If you are the reason they are breathing on this earth, then you keep your danged hands to yourself.

What was also given in this MC was that you never shot someone in the back. It didn’t matter the situation.

As long as they saw the shot coming then it was kosher.

I was sitting outside catching some sun on one of the picnic tables that sat in the forecourt of the clubhouse when I saw the gates move.

I recognized that van. It was one of the clubs.

Then I recognized Hippie behind the wheel as Red escorted them into the forecourt.

When I heard about Red’s daughter, surprise, surprise, I immediately hoped that she wouldn’t be like Tank’s sister.

Prissy. Needy. Demanding. Thinking her shit doesn’t stink. Not helping out with anything, and also hitting all of the brothers for extra cash.

She told them it was so she could get enough money for tuition at first. And when they offered to pay it in full so she could start, then she came up with another plan.

I wasn’t sure about the plan she had used but it had worked.

Instead of using the cash they gave her, she spent it on clothes.

And not your normal everyday wear kind of clothes. No. These were slut clothes.

Hell, she made the sweet butts look tame in comparison.

And speaking of his sister, well, they only shared the looks department.

They definitely didn’t share the manners department.

In fact, I got along with her brother so well, I thought the two of us would be like peas and carrots.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

She was snotty. Demanding. Rude. Heck, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was magically cast as an addition to Mean Girls. She was that bad.

That was proven even more so when I had been on a random facetime call with Tank, she had walked by, and when I called out to see if she wanted to say hey to her brother, all she did was sneer at me.

And no, I hadn’t missed the rage and anger on his face when I told him what she did.

I also had a feeling that the two of them were going to be having a long talk when he got home.

In fact, I hate to say this about a fellow female, but she seriously needs to be put in her place. Not with actions unless it’s the last resort but with a stern talking to.

However, everything else changed once again when we were told that Red’s daughter was coming to live with us.

None of us even knew that he had a daughter.
