Page 12 of Rise

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While I was gone, I learned that the boy had made up so many rumors about her and that pissed me off. And those rumors included the fact that she was easy and loose.

When the truth of the matter was that they had done nothing but held hands.

That was fucking it.

And yes, I trusted her inexplicably. They hadn’t done anything but that. I had often wondered why that was, then I recalled that if I was a girl, I wouldn’t want any part of him touching me.

I still couldn’t see what she had seen in him. And they were just talking. Not dating. Only seeing if they were compatible.

Thankfully, the rumors stopped one bright sunny day. You see she had called me crying her eyes out and I told her what to do.

The next day I had been waiting on the call, needless to say, she had been all laughter and no tears.

“Tank, you won’t believe how hard he hit the ground. I never knew that hitting that pressure point in the side of his neck would make him drop like a sack of potatoes. Oh, and I told him that if he didn’t stop spreading those rumors about me, I would be happy to teach him about another pressure point that can make him piss on himself. And if that threat wasn’t enough of a warning, then I would tell everyone about a certain someone on a football team.”

I had told her that I had that boy looked into that night because something about him seemed off. The search had come back that he wasn’t straight but gay.

The problem was with his dad. You see, he was also the son of a rival MC, and he was only trying to get with Raine so he would have an in with the club.

Now we don’t have a problem with anyone who is gay, straight, or whatever. It’s when you get caught sucking off a guy on the football team to try and shave off points so your team will lose because of a lousy bet you made.

Yes, I lusted after a teenage girl yet, how could I not when she was the reason I breathed?

And in the years to come, she didn’t know it but her smiling face and the memory of that punch in the gut saved my life in more ways than one.

I knew everything there was to know about her. Like the way she scrunches up her nose when she’s asked a question and doesn’t want to tell the truth but knows she will anyway.

The way she separates a package of Skittles. The red ones first, then the green ones next, the orange ones, and then last but not least the purple ones. But she never eats the yellow ones. She hates anything lemon unless it's cleaner.

But not furniture polish cleaner. No. That has to be orange scented.

Oh, and the yellow one she hands to me. And if I’m not there, as long as I am coming back soon, she places them in a bag and gifts them to me when I get home.

And… like the sucker I am where she’s concerned, I eat every last one. Even though I also hate them. But I’ll be damned if I tell her that.

How about the way when she passes random strangers and sees their tags are out of their shirts? I’ve lost count of how many women glared at her when she told their men that their tags were out.

I’ve also lost count of how many men I’ve had to kill with my glare because they think it's some new pickup line. They couldn’t be further from the truth.

Or like how she’s terrified to watch Nightmare on Elm Street and anything with Freddy Kruger in it, but she loves Michael? Dawn of the Dead. It. Clowns don’t faze her, yet they give me the willies. And what does she do? She just fucking laughs. Laughs.

That thought alone has me smirking recalling the last time we were out trick or treating with a fellow MC and someone was dressed as a clown. Half the MC along with myself moved to the other side of the road.

Damn… but I fucking miss her.

While I was laying there on my bunk, I hadn’t realized what my fingertips had been rubbing inside my pocket.

And no, it wasn’t my dick.

It was simply something from her that I carry everywhere with me.

In fact, I’ll never forget the day I was leaving on the latest mission when she had come to the airport and hugged me for all she was worth. She had slipped a note in my pocket, and I still have that note and I read it all the time.

She had written, If you don’t come back to me, I’m hunting you down and cutting your balls off.

That very colorful message came with a drawing, a stick figure holding a knife that had blood dripping from it with a smile on its face. So, I made sure I always came back to save my family jewels.

The MC and she were the only reasons I were still alive on this earth.
