Page 10 of Rise

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So, I didn’t.

That was how I was woken up one day later by my mother screeching.

Getting out of bed, opening my door, and going down the steps, it was to see some man with his clothes bunched in front of him, a different man this time, running through the house and out the front door in nothing but his birthday suit.

That night, my mother packed her bags and was told to never step foot on the premises again.

After she left without a word to me, I walked to my father, only to see him shaking his head with a couple of pieces of paper in his hand.

Tentatively I asked, “What’s that?”

“Custody papers. Made sure when she left, I got you. She has no claim on you nor will she ever.”

That was fine with me. I mean I knew she was my mother. But she made me think that some people just either didn’t have it in them to be a parent or they didn’t want to.

Instead, I asked, “Want to start our marathon?”

He looked at me, smiled, then winked, “I’ll go pop the popcorn.”

So, there we were, at midnight, eating popcorn, cuddled up while we watched Fast and The Furious.

And I called Tank and told him everything. Even the thing that happened at the clubhouse.

He had muttered, “Good fucking riddance.”

And yes, he had texted me after he stepped off the plane. He had sent me pictures of his barracks. And I sent him pictures of the drawings I had done. And a lot of them found themselves on his walls in the months to come.

What I didn’t know was that a lot of them also found their way on his body.

Something I only found out when he had come home on leave for the fourth.

Chapter 2


Six Years Later

I had been away for almost a year on a mission. We had to infiltrate an insurgent camp, and one thing after another kept us from getting our target.

And a few of those things were taking breaks so to speak and going after a few other targets, making the main target think that he had bested us.

But we weren’t SEALS for nothing.

The ride home was spent with every member of my team catching some z’s.

When we touched down, we each hauled ass to our vehicles, ready to be in our spaces.

Normally, I would have showered at the barracks, but I wanted to be home.

When I returned to the clubhouse, the moment, and I mean the very moment my door opened, my boots hit the pavement, I was assaulted.

All by a tiny thing that barely reached my chest who punched me in the belly because I didn’t like the licorice, she sent me in the care box from the MC.

You wouldn’t like it either if it had sat out in the sun because no one was at headquarters to put the packages inside that day.

I had called Storm when I was told I would be heading home.

I even had him put me on speaker and made sure Raine was there so I could tell her.
