Page 42 of Cold As Ice

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Just as I was about to shake my head, to tell him I couldn’t stand it any longer, he put his tongue back on my clit, worked it again, over and over, and I saw stars. Fireworks. I came a second time, all with just his mouth and fingers.

Climbing up my body, I felt his heated skin pressing into mine while bright lights danced across my vision.

I heard him ask, “You okay?”

Coming back to the present, I murmured, “Yeah, just never experienced that before.”

I saw it on his face. He smiled and asked, “What?”

The shithead. “You’re really going to make me say it?”

He chuckled and in a rasp, he said, “Oh yeah.”

“Caveman,” I muttered as I reached up and pressed a kiss to his throat, loving the saltiness of his sweat.

“Yours.” He said as he settled himself between my thighs. “Tell me.”

“Never came like that before,” I said as I stared up into those dark eyes of his.

I saw the pride shining in his eyes, and then with his mouth lowered to mine, I met him the rest of the way and soon I felt the tip of his uncovered cock at my entrance.

When had he shed his boxers?

But that thought was knocked out of me, along with my breath, as I pulled my mouth from his and stared into his eyes as he stretched me while he entered me.

Stretched me far wider than anyone ever has before.

Not even Asher, and he was the biggest out of the five of them.

He gritted out, “Too big?”

Wanting to mess with him, I asked, “Isn’t that your job to make sure it fits?”

He winked at me, pulled slowly out, and then slowly pushed back in and when I started to loosen even more, my man, well, my man moved.

He pulled out of me slowly, then rammed into my body, hard.

I squealed as I grabbed onto his forearms while he pounded into me.

“Fucking holy fucking shit.”

“My turn. You okay?”

“Trying not to fucking come. Goddamn you feel, hell, the word magnificent doesn’t even describe it.”

“Otherworldly?” I asked him as I tried to catch my breath, and then I felt it coming.

But it was unlike anything I have ever felt before.

“Yeah, we… will… go… with… that.”

And then he pushed into me even harder, and I was unable to stop it. I felt my body raise off the bed, as my toes curled, and every muscle in my body tightened, and then I was screaming out his name, “Caiden.”

“Fuck me.” He pulled out and slammed in one more time and he was coming with me.

“I wasn’t far away from coming, but the moment you called out my name, I lost my hold on my release.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at him as I came down from the euphoria that I was feeling.
