Page 83 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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She pulls her keys out of her bag. “You’re just acting like a brat because you lost.”

“A br— I’m not acting like a brat!”

The key slides into the lock, and she turns it, glancing over her shoulder. “Of course not. You’re just a sore loser.”

My mouth falls open. “I thought you were nice.”

“I am nice. You just don’t like to hear the truth.” She opens the door, or at least she tries to, but the moment the gap is big enough, Henry slips past it and jumps on her.

“Hey there, big boy!” She wraps her arms around him, rubbing at his fur and not caring the least bit as the dog starts licking her face excitedly. “Did you miss me? Were you good? How about I give you a treat?”

That seems to work because he jumps down and pushes the door open.

Birdy looks at me. “Thank you for tonight, Sebastian. I really had fun.”

A strange feeling spreads inside my chest at the sound of my full name coming from her lips, at that sweet smile that’s directed at me. Part warmth, part tightness.

“You’re welcome,” I whisper, forcing the words out. “Goodnight, Birdy.”

With another one of those sweet smiles, she murmurs: “Night.”

I watch as she slips into her apartment and wait for the lock to click in place before turning to my own door. This night, for the first time in what feels like forever, I sleep peacefully.



“C’mon, little one,” I coo, giving the small dog a gentle push in the butt as I place him back inside his kennel and close the door before straightening. This was the fourth walk I did today, and I was wiped. But moving felt good, and the dogs seemed happy to be out for a change.

“Table, Henry.”

Henry leads me to the table where earlier I left my things. Grabbing my bag, I slide it over my shoulder and give Henry the command to find the door.

“Done for today?” Angie asks when we get to the front office, some papers rustling.

“Yes. I have to stop at the store before going home and working on homework, but I hope to come back soon.”

“No worries, you’re already helping me so much as it is.”

A smile works its way to my lips. It felt good knowing my work was appreciated. I try to visit once a week and see what needs to be done. I don’t mind, and it’s not like I have a full social calendar or anything like it. Besides, working with dogs was always much better than dealing with people.

“It’s not a problem.” I shrug. “I’ll see you next week?”

We say our goodbyes, and Henry and I leave the shelter. The door barely closes behind us when my phone starts to ring, Ava Max’sSweet but Psychoplaying.

“Kate!” A smile curls my lips as I answer the phone, pulling Henry to a stop. “What’s up?”

“What’s up?” my sister mutters. “That’s the best you’ve got? What’s up? After barely talking to me for weeks?”

“We texted,” I protest, which is true, although not nearly as much as we used to. It wasn’t surprising at all, given how much we both have on our plates.

“That’s not the same, and you know it.”

“I know it, but life’s been busy.”

Kate lets out a long sigh. “I know. I keep planning to call you, and every time something else happens that demands my attention. Mostlya certain someonedemands my attention.”

“How is my favorite niece?”
