Page 184 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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“Too late now anyway,” Sera chimes in. “Well, except if you’re planning to jump out of the window. Who knows? Maybe by the time this trip is done, you’ll wish you did that anyway.”

“Sera…” I say as a warning.

“What? Why?”

Sera flashes her a grin. “Because you haven’t met his mother yet.”



“Fucking hell,” Sebastian curses, his grip on my hand tightening as the plane rolls to a stop.

“What?” I ask, not liking the sound of his voice one bit.

“I guess it was too much to expect they wouldn’t accost you at both airports, huh?” Seraphina says nonchalantly. “Welcome home, Bash.”

Accost him? What are they talking about?

“What’s going on?” I ask again, needing some answers so I know what I’m getting into.

We’ve been in the air for close to seven hours. After chatting for a little bit, Seraphina decided to sleep, and Sebastian and I watched a movie until I, too, dozed off, so I didn’t get much of a chance to think about what to expect once we landed, a decision I’m now starting to regret.

“Reporters, although honestly, that’s too nice of a word for the people waiting outside,” Sebastian grits out, clearly unhappy.

Not that I could blame him. I just got a small glimpse into what it’s like to be him these past few days in Blairwood after the news got out where he was. LA must have been a hundred times worse. Because while in Blairwood, some people recognized him, they let him be. For the most part, anyway. I didn’t think that would be the case here, especially considering he’s been MIA for the past few months.

“Here, it’s not going to help much, but…”

Something falls on my head—a ball cap, I realize.

“What about you?” I ask, lifting my free hand to adjust it slightly. “You’re the one they’re interested in, after all.”

“I have my glasses; besides, it’s not like they don’t know who I am. Somebody must have tipped them off about when we were landing. There is some security, but this might get nasty.”

Sebastian cups my cheek, rubbing his calloused finger over my skin. “Stick close to me, okay?”

Gulping down the lump in my throat, I nod.

“We’ll take Henry with us, but don’t bother with your things. Somebody will deliver them to my place later.”


Private jets and deliveries from the airport to our doorstep. What’s next?

I seriously couldn’t wrap my head around it. It’s like I’ve entered a parallel universe or something.

No, not a parallel universe.

Sebastian’s universe.

As if I needed more confirmation that we were complete opposites. He’s the sun, big and bright, and I’m just standing in his shadow, too dumbstruck to do anything but admire him.

You’ve come all this way. There is no going back, Penelope,a little voice reminds me.

Not that I wanted to. I meant what I said. I didn’t want to keep hiding. I wanted him. I wanted to be with him. In every way possible. If that meant dealing with a bunch of reporters…Well, I guess I’d just have to endure it.

“It’s going to be okay,” Seraphina says. “Keep your head low. Do not engage in any way. Don’t acknowledge them. Don’t answer any of the questions they’ll throw at you.”
