Page 165 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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“I’m actually excited that I bumped into you.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. “You are?”

Seraphina lets out a soft chuckle. “Yes, I wanted to see how you’re doing. After everything that has happened.”

“I’m fine. Worried about Sebastian. I know this was the last thing he wanted.”

“Sebastian is used to this. He might not like it, but he can deal with it.”

Rationally, I knew that she was right, but that didn’t make this whole situation better.

“Maybe, but this wasn’t what he wanted, and…”

I bite my tongue before I can finish.


“I feel guilty,” I admit softly, so softly, I’m not sure if she heard me. Silence falls between us, and I can feel her eyes on me as she assesses me.

I duck my head as the minutes pass by, and my nerves finally get the better of me.

“Did you send the photos to the paparazzi?”

“What?” My head jerks up. “Of course not!”

Is that what she thought about me? That I shared the photos? For what? So I could get my five minutes in the spotlight?

“Then why would it be your fault?”

I blink a few times, her question ringing in my head on a loop.


“You have to understand one thing, Penelope. Belonging to our world won’t be easy. There are more people that will try to make you fall than the ones that will build you up. You can’t let things like this affect you so much, or you’ll go crazy.”

I could see what she was talking about, but I wasn’t sure that I could do it.

“I don’t belong to your world,” I echo the words that I told Sebastian last night.

“So you don’t want to be with Sebastian?”

“I… it’s not that easy.”

It was anything but. I didn’t know that Sebastian. I didn’t know the superstar with millions of fans across the world. A person everybody wanted a piece of. I just knew Sebastian.MySebastian. The boy who sits on the couch late at night, strumming his guitar. The boy who takes me to an axe throwing center and drives me on his bike.

The server interrupts us, bringing Seraphina her meal. Seraphina waits until the woman leaves before continuing.

“It’s just that easy. He needs somebody real. Somebody who’ll understand what it takes to do what he does and ground him when things get hard. Which, let’s be honest, is more often than not. Did you think about what he said last night?”

How could I not? It was the only thing that’s been on my mind since he walked me back to my apartment.

Unable to give her the answer I know she’s waiting for, I settle for nodding.

“I see. Can I share something with you, Penelope?”

Considering I was pretty sure she’d do it regardless of my answer? I couldn’t deny that my interest was piqued. “Go for it.”
