Page 85 of Reckless Impulse

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“Hi, Sophie baby, Mimi will be coming to see you soon,” I hear my mom say.

Addy, deciding she needs more attention, stands up and walks to where the laptop is propped open, hogging the entire screen.

“Oh my gosh, she's walking like a pro,” I hear Vanessa croon.

Laughing, I scoop up Sophie and sit next to Quinn on the couch.

“Hello, ladies,” I say, nuzzling into Soph’s neck.

“Great game tonight,” they both say in unison.

“Thanks. I had all of my good luck charms with me.” I lean over, giving Quinn a quick kiss on the cheek, making her smile.

They both gush over the minuscule show of affection.Glad they're not privy to the filthy things I do to my girl whenever and wherever possible.

We told the families about us right before we moved to Carolina. Of course, both of our moms cried. But they were ecstatic for us to finally be moving in the right direction. I believe they're giving us the space we need to work on our relationship. Hence why they aren’t already in North Carolina, prepping for the girls’ first birthday next month.

Next Month… I can’t believe my little babies are going to be one. What a whirlwind it has been.

“So, we will be flying in on the tenth, giving us plenty of time to spend with the girls and help with whatever you need for the party,” my mom says.

“Ha, I guess that means we’ll have to finish unpacking one of these days.” Quinn laughs.

“Oh stop, don’t go crazy for us.”

“Ma, she's kidding… well, mostly. We will have the guest bedrooms and the guest house all ready to go for you guys.”

“Shotty the guest house!” I hear my dad yell from the background.

Rolling my eyes, I say the mantra that has been recited since I was a child. “You get what you get, and you don’t get upset.”

“John,” Quinn calls out as my dad starts to move out of the screen. “Yeah, Quinnie girl?”

She smirks at me with that shit-eating grin she gets when there is a competition about to be had. “I got a new wakeboard and I need some real competition out there on the lake this summer. Figured you and my dad might still have a few good tricks up your sleeve. Unfortunately, your son has lost his touch out there.”

“Bull-fucking-shit,” I mouth to her.

“Don’t you worry, Q. I’ll show my boy how it’s done and give you a real contest when we visit.”

We all laugh, and not too long after saying our goodbyes, the girls start to get cranky for dinner. I don’t blame them, I'm starving too. But for something way sweeter than dinner.

After I get the girls wrangled and into their playroom, I make my way to the kitchen to help with dinner. Quinn is at the stove, cooking and singing. Well, more like rapping, I should say. The girl certainly has eclectic taste in music. One moment, she’s playing Reba, and the next, an old-school Jay Z song is streaming through the speakers.

The smell of fajitas wafts around me, and my mouth waters. Not going to lie, Quinn and I have become quite the cooks with these new Home Chef meals. Granted, sometimes they’re not the best, but we’re certainly trying and that’s what matters.

Grabbing onto her hips once I'm close behind her, I rub my beard along her neck, causing her to lean into me.

“If you don’t stop now, we won’t be eating dinner,” she groans as my hands trace up her sides under my jersey.

“Who says I'm hungry for dinner?” My fingers play with her hardened nipples through her thin bra.

“The–the girls… they’re hungry,” she pants, pushing her ass farther into my hardening cock.

Giving her nipples a final tweak, I step away. Swatting at her ass as I walk toward the cabinets to set the table.

Quinn turns around, her heated stare fixed on me. “You’re such a tease,” she groans, pointing the spatula in my direction.

“Baby, I'm no tease. I’d take you right here if you’d let me.” I wink and continue grabbing the plates.

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