Page 23 of Reckless Impulse

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“Do you think you have any time in your busy schedule to hang with your best friend?” I’m sure he can see the goose bumps that prickle along my skin from his husky voice. I can almost feel his lips place a gentle kiss on my sun-kissed skin, but I know he won’t do that here. Not with our families nearby. I look over my shoulder and meet Eli’s eyes, as he stands up straight in all his shirtless glory with that sexy smirk in place. The beard he had during his recent baseball season is nowhere to be found, just a chiseled jaw and perfect white teeth. His brown hair is a little longer on top, showcasing some of the natural blonde that the summer sun always brings out.

“I was going to sign us up to whoop everyone’s ass in the cornhole tournament that starts in thirty minutes… whatcha think?”

I want to run my hands all over his sculpted body, but I know it needs to wait till later tonight.

The horny slut inside me is exactly why I’ve slightly avoided him today… and I hate myself for that. But it’s been too long since I’ve seen him… had him.

Best friend… family trip… best friend… family trip,I repeat to myself, trying to rein in my screaming hormones before I respond.

“Well, I would’ve invited you to join in on the water aerobics… I knew those old ladies would love you. But it’s probably a good thing I didn’t… I wouldn’t want them having a heart attack or anything from all those good looks of yours,” I say, waving my hands in the direction of his general hotness.

The smirk on his face is still firmly in place. He’s totally used to my antics. “But yes, of course, you know I’m down… you had me at ‘whoop everyone’s ass’ and these three tequila shots I just downed are only going to make me that much better.”

Standing up, I discreetly pull my black cheeky bikini bottom wedgie out.

“Thanks, Sam. Same time tomorrow?” I wink at the bartender. Eli’s hand wraps around my upper arm, pulling me away. The look in his eyes as he glares at Sam perfectly explains why he nervously turned away from me earlier.

“Normally, I love that you would talk to anyone, including that concrete wall right there,” he says, nodding his head toward the wall surrounding the pool entrance. “But you need to be careful, Quinn. We aren’t at home. You know nothing about that guy or your surroundings.” Eli growls the last part in my ear.

“Maybe you’re just jealous,” I retort, and pinch his ass with my free hand. His next words cause my steps to stutter. He seems like he’s at war with himself about something.

“Maybe I am,” Eli whispers and starts walking, never taking his hand off me, just letting it slip down to my fingers instead.

The tequila in my veins and the heart in my chest love the way his fingers feel intertwined in mine. I’m pretty convinced there is no one else on this planet who could make me feel the way he does.

Loved… horny… cherished… impulsive.

Two hours later, and we are walking away cornhole champs with theTito’s t-shirts to prove it.

“I’m never going to make it to dinner if I don’t go take a little nap. You going to go back to the cabana with everyone else?”

Eli stops in his tracks, grabs my waist, and pulls me into him. I immediately feel his hard cock beneath his swim trunks. My pussy clenches, a thirsty little moan escaping my lips.

“Do you really think I am going to let you go back to that villa alone right now… I want you, Q. No, I need you.” He brushes his hand over the thin triangle covering my breast. “I’ve been hard all day staring at you in this thing. Probably like ninety percent of the other men at this place. Seeing the way they watch you has me going a little crazy.”

His normally protective tone is full of possessiveness and that horny slut inside of me is back and loving every second of it.

* * *

My hearingstill sounds like I’m in an airplane, changing altitude faster than my eardrums can keep up. But the three orgasms Eli gave me in the shower were well worth the temporary hearing loss. We were so wild for each other that we barely even made it under the water before he was inside of me, and by the end of it, he had me on the tile floor just so he could get as deep as possible. We were animalistic, and it was amazing… everything else pales in comparison.Always does.

The way he brushed my wet hair and kissed me before heading out to the living room has thrown off my equilibrium even more. By the time I finish blow drying my thick locks, I find him sprawled out on one of the big couches, watching baseball.

“I’ve always loved seeing you in that shirt… Come here,” Eli says, lifting the blanket he’s currently tucked under, inviting me to join him. I’m wearing one of his baseball t-shirts he gave me years ago. He’d wanted me to have it as a keepsake because that showcase was the first time a scout had ever approached him about his potential for the MLB. And to this day, I still wear it way more than I’ll ever admit.

Pausing for a moment, I glance at the clock that reads four p.m. We have a reservation for dinner tonight at eight, so we have about two hours before our families barge in to get ready for the evening.

“Best friends cuddle,” Eli says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to him. He knows what I’m thinking, but he’s right. We cuddled long before we ever had sex.

We watch the TV for a few minutes in comfortable silence. I know what’s on his mind, though.

“A few more days and you’ll officially be a professional baseball player. I’m so happy for you… it feels like one of my dreams is coming true,” I say, looking back at his handsome face.

“I want you to have your own dreams, Queenie,” he says, playing with my hair.

“I know and I will… once I figure them out.” I chuckle. “But in all honesty, this has been a dream of mine too, for as long as I can remember. You in the majors… You know I always have and always will be your number one fan… Don’t tell Mama B.”

He kisses my forehead. “My good luck charm.”

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