Page 93 of Player Next Door

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“I just don’t want to lose you.”

“You’re going to lose me anyway. I hate that you think it’s blackmail, but I can’t do this if it’s not us together.”

“What does that all mean? You just walk out on me? On our friendship?”

“I guess so. I’ll stay in this fake relationship until after your interview. And then I’m going to tell John I’m done. I think that’s best for us. Having me stick around in your life under false pretenses isn’t healthy for either one of us.”

“Grady, I…” She had no next words. She had no idea what to say. This wasn’t how she expected this night to turn out.

“I’ll let John know in the morning.”

They stared at each other for a moment. She was withering under his gaze.

“I should probably go,” she said quietly.

“Yeah. Probably.”

She grabbed her keys and made the slow walk down to her condo. Tears had started falling before she’d reached her door. First Cam and now Grady. She was losing the most important people in her life.


Reese spent the next week focusing on work and her interview prep. She tried not to think of Cam or Grady. Neither had spoken to her. She’d tried reaching out to them and had finally given up. The only other person she could confide in was Daria, but because Grady had sowed doubts about her, she kept everything to herself. It was suffocating.

A week before the interview, she and Daria sat in the lunchroom eating. Reese had been withdrawn, and it wasn’t until Daria shook her forearm gently that Reese snapped out of it.

“Sorry, did I miss something?” Reese asked.

“You seemed lost in thought. Is everything okay with you?”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind. Sometimes this is all so overwhelming.”

“Boy troubles?”

Reese looked at Daria who was smiling back at her. Something about her smile didn’t feel right.

“Yeah, something like that.”

“I hope it wasn’t that lameLowdownblog. They’re always coming up with crazy stuff. Of course, you and Grady are solid.”

“Yeah. We are. I have no idea where that blog is getting their information from. Sounds like someone desperate for attention who is hell-bent on hurting me.”

“You think so?”

“It looks like they want to see me and Grady break up. But that’s not going to happen. I really love him.”

Daria’s jaw tensed, but she maintained a smile. “That’s super. After Jordy, I’m glad you found someone who appreciates you. He seems like a nice guy, especially for a jock.”

“What do you mean?”

“Grady is totally different, I’m sure. But you know that guys like him have groupies in every city. I’m sure he’s the exception. He seems like one of the good guys. I mean, I’m sure he is.”

“He is. I could see myself marrying him.”

Reese watched Daria closely, and this time the other woman’s whole body tensed.

“Good. I want to see you married and with kids. Do you think you could still juggle Crush, though? With kids you’d need to tow around, because it’s not like he’d be much help. He’d be gone most of the time.”

“I really hope so.” She took a breath, seizing a moment of inspiration. “I’ve been wanting to tell you my big news. I’m pregnant.”
