Page 63 of Player Next Door

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Reese headed to the bathroom first, to wash her face and brush her teeth. She changed into her T-shirt and shorts pajamas and crawled into the bed. A part of her was a little nervous about sharing a bed with Grady. Would he hog the covers? Would she? She didn’t think she talked in her sleep or snored. Whatever the case, she couldn’t think about it.

Her next thought was to check in on social media, but she wanted to enjoy her time at the Radcliffes, so she pulled out the book she’d brought from home instead. It was a thriller that she got twenty pages into before drifting off to sleep. When she opened her eyes hours later, her book was on the nightstand and the cottage was silent. That was one thing that was different from the city. There were no distant sounds of traffic or people in the hallway. No late-night sirens or honking horns. It was all dark and silent, but she could see Grady beside her, outlined by the moonlight shining in through the window. She turned over and looked at Grady. He was fast asleep, and he looked peaceful and even more handsome than usual.

Part of her wanted to reach out and touch his face, or even just scoot a little closer to him. She wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms. All the talk of Jordy had had her thinking how different Grady was. How normal. Why couldn’t a guy like him want to be with a woman like her?

He shifted a little and his eyes fluttered open. Had he known she was staring?

“Can’t sleep?”

“I was thinking, and when I think, I can’t sleep.”

“What were you thinking about?” he asked, his voice heavy.

“How quiet it is here. I’m not used to that.”

“The city is loud.”

Moments passed and she thought he’d fallen back asleep, but then he spoke again. “You’re still looking at me.”

He was right. She was. Her heart was feeling things she didn’t know how to process.

“Thank you for inviting me here. For wanting to spend time with me. Often, I feel like I’m burdening someone, or that I’m only around because of who I am. I never feel that way around you. I feel like I can be myself when we’re together. Man, I’m probably going to regret saying this to you in the morning. I don’t normally lay my cards out like that.”

His eyes were fully open now and he was staring at her, his gaze so intense she thought she’d shrivel up right before him. “I love spending time with you. I never want you to think you’re a burden. And I may regret this in the morning, but I love every second I spend with you. I look forward to it.”

Her bottom lip quivered for just a second. “You’re not just saying that, right?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“You’re smart and funny and beautiful—”

She stopped him with a finger to his lips.

“Don’t say things you don’t mean.” Her voice sounded almost desperate to her own ears.

He took her hand in his, the one she’d used to cover his lips, and kissed the back of it gently. Her heart skipped a beat and she held her breath as he moved closer to her, their faces only inches apart. Suddenly, blood was pounding through her veins. What was happening?

“Can I kiss you, Reese?”

“Yes,” she said, her heart soaring.

The kiss was gentle, tentative, and the sweetest kiss she’d ever had. And when she kissed him back, he pulled her in even closer, the intensity of the kiss ramping up. Her body was on fire, yearning for him, and when he leaned back, she was breathless.

“If you want me to stop, I’ll stop.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want you to stop.”

His lips trailed down to her neck while one of his hands traced her shoulder, then arm. She took in a deep breath, relishing every moment, scared it would never happen again. What if they came to their senses the next morning? She just knew she’d want to remember this night for the rest of her life.

“How is your skin is so soft?” he said, gazing into her eyes.

“A good moisturizer?”

She regretted how stupid it sounded, but he didn’t seem to notice. He kissed her lips again before reaching his wandering hand up under her tank top. His thumb passed over one nipple that had hardened to a bud. She suddenly wanted to be naked, but more importantly, she wanted him naked too.

Without invitation, she ripped off the tank top and threw it to the ground. She then reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up, prompting him to yank it over his head. And in an instant, his mouth was on her nipple, gently sucking and biting before moving to the next. Every inch of her tingled with anticipation, wanting to rush things but take them slowly all at the same time. Her brain was battling her body.

When he was done with her breasts—at least momentarily—he sat up, looming over her like a Greek god. His usually pleasant and welcoming face had become serious, as if he were contemplating her destruction. And if she were honest, she wanted him to plunder her. But something more was there. Was he having second thoughts? She reached out to touch him, her fingers passing over the hard muscles in his abdomen.

“What’s wrong?”
