Page 51 of Player Next Door

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As Reese’s team worked on the next steps, Reese worked out with Grady, Dylan, and Preston. She shoved the feelings she was having aside and instead formulated workouts and even did one with Grady in her living room as well as one with Dylan and Preston at the workout facility with the videographer Daria had found. She hadn’t posted anything yet, waiting for the go-ahead from John.

And then the call came. It was time to put Operation Fake Relationship into effect.

“Tonight is your debut,” Daria said. “You’re going out to dinner with Grady. I’ve already made reservations for seven at Maurice’s, that hot new place downtown. I’ve tipped off a few people, so look your best because people will be taking pictures. And that workout you did with Grady in your living room? I’m also going to post it this afternoon. It’s looks great, and very cozy. Make sure you and Grady look cuddly tonight. Definitely hold hands, but nothing over the top. Got it?”

“Got it,” Reese said, noting that John had made her his little soldier. Daria was almost starting to sound like him too. “Anything else?”

“We are going to wait a few weeks before confirming the relationship. We want it to get more buzz.”

“I do have a question for you, though. What if this irritates Jen? Has John considered that?”

“About that…”

Reese padded over to her bedroom, looking through her closet for something to wear while she waited for Daria to get on with it. She’d heard of Maurice’s. It was a trendy spot, but nothing too fancy. She chose a maxi dress she’d never worn, along with a pair of cute sandals. She’d pair it with a nice purse.

“I’m waiting,” Reese prodded.

“John’s got the legal team involved. I know you didn’t want that, but don’t worry. It’s more about mediation than litigation. I guess he figures that’s not the same thing. He’d love for this to go away without getting ugly.”

“You’re not lying to me, right? Itismediation?”

“Yes. He really wants to make her go away and work on getting your reputation back. Her lawyer sounds like a jerk, but I don’t know what the endgame is. Maybe money? I know he’s got people looking into her past, all on the down-low. He’s looking for a weak spot. If I know John, he’s going to start a media campaign, and that why he’s starting with this relationship with you and Grady. He wants you to have some good attention.”

“I guess, but it’s going to be weird pretending to be in love.”

“I’ve seen Grady. It shouldn’t be hard.”


“You canwhateverme all you want, but the guy is eye candy. And he seems like a decent guy. He can’t be any worse than Jordy.”

“That may be true, but I’m happy being single.”

“If you say so. Make sure you give me all the details about your big night later.”

Reese rolled her eyes. She couldn’t figure out why Daria was pushing for this. “Does Grady know about this date?”

“Yes, I left a message and he confirmed with a text. So have a nice evening.”

Reese checked where the place was. It was walking distance, but she knew it was better that she and Grady showed up in a car. It also made it easier to escape if need be. She showered and got ready, putting on a light layer of makeup. After all those years of competing, she was sick and tired of makeup, especially the stage kind. She only wore makeup when necessary, and tonight was necessary.

She texted Grady an hour before the reservation. He texted her back a moment later to tell her he’d be ready to go and that he’d be driving. She did one more check of her makeup and outfit, then took a quick peek at social media. Like Daria had promised, she’d tipped off the town gossips about a possible budding romance between Reese and Grady. And there she was. A picture from happier times, post world championship, and a picture of Grady from one of his hockey games.

Are they dating?the headline read.Rumor has it that Reese Beresford and Grady Radcliffe are seeing each other exclusively. Sources say sparks flew when he moved in to her building. We will have to see if the Bully Queen and the Hockey Hunk have found love.

Reese groaned.Bully Queen?

Reese frowned. She’d always hated being called the Ice Queen for the obvious double meaning, but Bully Queen? She had more work to do on her image than she’d thought.

She checked her watch and grabbed her purse. It was go time. She was exiting her condo just as Grady was doing the same from his. He looked handsome in a pair of blue jeans and a fitted darker blue shirt that hugged his chest perfectly. She tried not to stare, but how could she not? He was a magnificent specimen.

“Ready to go?” Grady asked with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

“I think so. Can I admit that I’m a little nervous?”

“Me too. I feel like we are being put on display, but if we act natural, it should be fine.”

“What if I burst into a fit of laughter?” she asked as they walked to his car.
