Page 26 of Player Next Door

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“Sure. I’d love to.”

They walked back to Grady’s SUV and Reese couldn’t contain her happiness. “Thank you so much for the invite. And inviting me again tomorrow? You have given me a reason to get out of my pajamas.”

“The guys liked having you there. I liked having you there.”

Her heart fluttered at that, a feeling she hadn’t felt since winning her last gold medal. “Thanks. And I loved being there.”

“Before you know it, these guys are going to demand workout routines.”

“I’d rather be doing that than sitting around.”

They drove back to their building and Reese thanked him one more time before heading back into her condo. She needed some way of thanking Grady, but she couldn’t think of anything appropriate. It then hit her, and she called Daria.

“Hey, Reese, how are you?”

“I’m okay. I’m good today. But I need a favor.”

“Whatever I can do without enduring the wrath of John.”

“This won’t endure his wrath. I need you to send over a box of samples. The men’s line. Some large and extra-large. Whatever we have.”

“For Jordy?”

“No, for a new friend. Someone I need to thank.”


Daria had the athletic wear delivered that afternoon. Reese went through the items and was pleased with what Daria had selected. There were probably too many pieces for Grady, but she wasn’t about to pick and choose for him. She folded everything neatly into the box and headed over to his place. Reese had no idea if he had a girlfriend, or maybe friends over, but she was only delivering a box. She didn’t expect another charcuterie spread.

She knocked on the door and he answered in seconds. His blue eyes opened wide when he took in the box.

“Long time no see,” she said.

“I know. It’s been a whole four hours. Did you get one of my deliveries?” he asked.

“No. But thisisfor you, and it’s from me.”

“It is?” he said, taking the box from her. “You didn’t need to get anything for me.”

“It’s a little thank-you for making me feel like a human being today. I had Daria send me some samples from our men’s athletic line.”

She followed him inside even though he hadn’t invited her in. He set the box down on his coffee table and started rifling through the clothes.

“These are great,” he said. “The material is soft. And breathable?”

“Totally. We searched long and hard for this blend. And the cuts are meant to be comfortable and flattering.”

“You gave me way too much stuff.”

“Share it with friends or teammates.”

“This is way too generous,” he said, his gaze falling on her. She felt another heart-flutter she tried to ignore.

“It’s really the least I could do.”

He took out a pair of black shorts with lime-green trim. “These are so cool.” He then grabbed a white shirt with the same lime-colored trim. “I had no idea you even had a men’s line.”

“It’s new. We launched it last fall. It hasn’t quite taken off yet, and with everything that’s been going on…well, who knows if it ever will.”
