Page 10 of Daddy Issues 2

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I hate fucking leaving her, and that admission is hard for me. Work has always been my salvation. I liked to be away. Distracted. But now… Jesus, like I told her, by the time my car hits the end of the driveway I wonder what the fuck I’m doing ever leaving her.

“I’m hoping in the morning I’ll be flying back. But you know, it’s not a nine to five gig. If everything goes well, no one gets their panties in a wad and does what I fucking tell them to do. But, if not, day after at the latest.”

“Alright, man. I’ll take care of her, you know I will.”

His off the cuff comment blinds me with irrational jealousy. He’s my most trusted friend, but when it comes to my Babybear I’ve become a lunatic about any other men—or boys for that matter—even glancing in her general direction.

“You know if you touch her, I’ll cut your fucking balls off.” I bark out before I can contain the rage.

“Brother.” He snaps back. There’s amusement in his voice, but something else as well. A warning. George is like a big dog: easy going, moves a little slow, likes to enjoy life. But like a big dog, he has sharp teeth and a powerful bite when necessary. “Who the fuck you talking to? I don’t want anything to do with her besides be the support you need. You fucking know that, so get your head out of your overly tight ass.”

I grip my chin with one hand as my fingers tighten around the steering wheel. “Sorry, man. I know. Fuck.” I grunt, shaking my head.

Being away from her is becoming more and more impossible with every job.

Every night as I lay in bed listening to her breathing, drinking in her scent, her softness after I’ve ravaged her body, my mind spins. I have to figure out a way out.

My work is no longer my salvation, it’s becoming my prison. But every way I turn I see danger. I stay in, it’s dangerous, just nature of the business, the people I help are the people that may very well want me gone.

Once you’re in, you’re in. It’s the theory of mutually assured destruction. In my business, we are all culpable and people get very nervous when someone in our world suddenly wants out.

And if I do even try to get out, dangerous people start to get nervous. Danger for me equals danger for her and that’s unacceptable. I’m trapped in paradoxical nightmare, searching desperately for a third option that satisfies everyone. There has to be a way and I’ll find it.

For her. For us.

I will.

“You got it bad, boss.” George’s chide interrupts my dark focus on my precarious position.

His rough chuckle has my fire dampening and a wash of her scent hits me out of nowhere. That’s another thing, I can be doing anything, and I’ll suddenly smell her. It’s fucking crazy, I can be across the ocean, just out of the shower, no trace of her anywhere and BAM. It hits me without warning and I feel my knees give.

She’s everywhere. She’s a drug. I’m addicted.

“Fuck, don’t I know it?” There’s no fighting George’s knowledge of just how different this is for me. Shit, I have to have someone that knows, otherwise I’d swear I was losing my fucking mind.

“Never seen you like this. How long we’ve known each other?” His voice softens on the other end of the line. “I’ve barely seen you date the same girl more than a half dozen times. And even then, don’t take this wrong, brother, but you were kind of a dick. I remember one time, you’d been dating this girl and I bumped into you at Regents. You remember that?”

My throat tightens. Even thinking about anyone else I dated turns my stomach. “Yes. I remember.” I quickly try to change the subject. “Okay, so you’ll go over—”

“Oh no.” George cuts me off. “You didn’t even know her last name, man. You introduced us, barely got her first name out and then she asked you what her last name was. You had nothing. Chick walked out on you and you didn’t bat your lashes.”

“Fuck, man. Enough of memory lane. That shit isn’t even in the same league as what I have with Ginger. Not even close. So, stop, just do what I ask. Keep her under your thumb. Make her smile. Play Risk with her. At least you last a few hours, she has me tied up and off the board within the first ten turns. Try to keep the damn donkeys out of the fucking house.”

He laughs on the other end of the phone, then adds, “I will do my best.”

I take the turn into the private airport and roll my window down at the guard shack. The security guard knows me and waves me in.

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