Page 52 of The Roommate

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The movement ceased.

Claire rolled her eyes and opened the door, anyway. “Let’s go, you little jerk.”

Once they’d descended the porch and Gertrude trotted several feet in front, prancing and sniffing the air daintily, Claire dialed her mom.

“Hey, sweetie.”

“Hey, Mom. How are you?”

“I’m fine. Took the day off. I’m baking.”

“Ooh, baking what?”

“I started with blueberry muffins, and a loaf of French bread is rising on the counter. Thought I’d finish out with some cookies later.”

“I’ll be by in a few hours.”

Her mom laughed.

“I’m serious. I’ll be out your way this afternoon.”

Another chuckle. “I’ll have a package ready to go for you. Will you stay for dinner?”

“Not this time. Graham hurt himself climbing and I’ve been helping him out. He’ll be with me.”

“Is he okay?”

“Dumbass broke his leg.”

“Oh, no, poor guy. How awful.”

“It could have been worse,” was all Claire said.

Her mom didn’t speak for a few long seconds. Some years they talked about her dad and some they didn’t. This was the perfect segue if her mom wanted to talk about it.

“How’s work been? Are you still happy with moving to the ER? Still waiting on the hospital to get your paperwork done?”

“Yeah, I’m still working regular nursing shifts for now. It’s been busy, but I like it. I like being the first one taking care of the patients, but at the same time it’s kind of nice to be able to leave work at the hospital when I go home.” Claire paused when Gertrude found a mailbox particularly interesting. “When I was in the ICU, I was usually caring for the same patients weeks on end, and they’d be on my mind all the time. In the ER it’s different every day. It can be hectic while I’m there, but it’s better for my mental health when I’m not.”

“That makes sense,” her mom said. “What else is new, other than playing nurse for Graham? How are Mia and Noah?”

Gertrude determined the mailbox wasn’t worth her time and they were off again. “Disgustingly adorable.”

“Any special men in your life?”

“Not a one. But, and don’t laugh, I signed up for an online dating platform.”

“Why would I laugh? So did I.”

Claire stopped, causing the leash to catch Gertrude’s collar. The dog looked back and glared.“What?”

“Your mother can’t join a dating service? I’m not that old.”

Claire slowly started moving again. “I—Of course you’re not. I just had no idea. When did you do this?”

“A couple of months ago.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Claire scrunched her nose at her own tone. She was surprised, was all. “For the record, I think it’s great, Mom.” Her mom had hardly dated since Claire’s dad died, and those were mainly blind dates set up through friends.
