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Alina turned away and continued to flick through the channels on the television, not attempting to answer the phone as it rang. Her friend, instead, tended to the phone, scanning the number.

“It’s your mother,” she informed Alina, who seemed more irritated about the announcement.

“Just leave it. Let it ring. She’ll cut it off eventually,” Alina said dryly, her voice void of emotion.

Taylor tilted her head. “Is your mother harassing you again?”

“Is there ever a time when she is not?” Alina kept her head facing forward.

“They still haven’t forgiven Dereck?” Her friend sighed, her lips pouting.

“Nope,” Alina said, irritated. “And she tells me how much she disapproves of me living with him every time she calls.”

There was a sadness in Alina’s voice and though she wouldn’t say it, the feud between Dereck and her parents was weighing on her.

Taylor smack her leg and rose from the couch in a rush. “Alright. Enough sitting around the apartment mopping. Let’s go have somewhere fun.”

Alina dropped her eyes to her stomach dramatically and lifted one side of her lip. “Fun? I’m willing to do anything that does not require me to leave this couch.”

With one swift movement, Taylor retrieved the television control and clicked it off. “I’m not taking no for an answer.” She stood with her hands on her waist. “So you might as well just give up now.”

Alina knew her friend well enough to know that nothing was going to keep Taylor from dragging her out of the house. “Fine. But I’m not changing.”

Taylor’s eyes scanned her friend’s body then. Alina was wearing a gray jogger set. It wasn’t anything flashy, but it wasn’t displeasing either. Her hair, however, was tousled. Taylor, dipping inside her bag, retrieved a scrunchy and placed her friend’s hair in a ponytail after smoothing the strands. “Much better. Let’s go.”

The women drove to their favorite restaurant, where they easily got a table.

“And should I bring your usual wine?” the waitress asked.

Alina dropped her gaze now. Their favorite waitress was obviously speaking to Taylor, who responded with a smile. “Not today. How about two glasses of apple juice?”

When the waitress left, Alina turned to her friend. “You know you didn’t have to do that. I’m ok with you drinking alcohol.” Then she pouted, rubbing her stomach. “You’re not the one that’s knocked up.”

“Nope, but I just feel like having juice today.” Taylor pulled out her phone and typed a few keys into it. Her words were an obvious lie, but Alina felt touched that her friend was willing to sacrifice for her, not that Taylor hadn’t done it in the past.

“So how is work going?” Alina asked when her salad arrived. She had no appetite for it, but it was the only thing she could consume that would keep the nausea down.

Taylor was twirling her fork in her shrimp pasta. “It’s alright, except that my boss keeps getting on my ass about all the vacation days I have.”

“So why don’t you just take some days off?” Alina took a bite of her tomato and twisted her mouth.

“Are you kidding me?” Taylor’s eyes were wide. “I’m saving them for whenever my niece or nephew comes.” Then her tone lost its high pitch. “I intend to spend as much time as I can with him or her. I’m starting the bonding process early.”

Alina smiled. She would have never expected Taylor to be this enthusiastic about a baby, especially after her panic when she wrongfully believed she was pregnant. “The baby is going to love you no matter what.”

After their meal, Taylor insisted they go for a stroll through the park. At first, Alina was against it, but she hadn’t been visiting the park much lately and she missed it. There was a certain pleasure that arose from strolling through the grassy lands shaded by large trees, so she agreed and found herself feeling lighter than she had in weeks.

The women returned to Alina’s apartment in the early afternoon to the sound of hammering. They followed the noise to find Dereck bent over shirtless and sweaty, hammering away at what appeared to be a crib.

“Oh my gosh Dereck,” Alina cooed. “It’s gorgeous.”

“Indeed, it is,” Taylor said in a low, seductive tone, referring to something else entirely. “Hey Dereck…” she spoke to Dereck, his toned abs exposed for her viewing pleasure. “…I have a shelf in my apartment that needs fixing. How about you come over and help me out?”

Alina smacked her friend, ending the smirk on Taylor’s lips as Dereck laughed, obviously loving the attention of her unruly friend. “That’s it. I’m kicking you out.” Alina nudged Taylor towards the door. “And don’t come back until you’ve learned some manners.” Taylor was still laughing when Alina slammed the door in her face.

When Alina returned to the baby’s room, Dereck was finished with the crib and stood back, admiring his work. “Is she gone?” He pulled Alina in his arms.

“Yes, she is,” Alina said firmly. “And we have to talk about you giving her a key.”

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