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“Hey!” Matt yelled. “Now, you’ve done it,” he said as he advanced upon her, in all of his male naked glory. Jessica shrieked and tried to scramble away, but he caught her.

The week after, Matt and Jessica were all boarded up on Matt’s private jet. Jacob greeted them from the pilot’s seat.

“Hello, Jacob. Happy Thanksgiving!” Jessica greeted him.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Miller and Matt,” he said politely.

“Oh, please. You need to start calling me Jessica already. We meet like every few weeks.”

“You heard her,” Matt said from his seat.

Jacob laughed and agreed. It took six hours for them to reach New Jersey from California. While it had been cold in California, New Jersey was even colder, and it was snowing heavily, delaying their flight by almost an hour. The turbulence was pretty consistent. Matt held Jessica all through the way even though she assured him she was okay. When they arrived in New Jersey, Mateo was already waiting for them with the Audi. He drove them straight to Jessica’s parents’ house.

Jessica wore a maroon full-sleeved velvet dress with gold lining. She had on a fur coat on top of that, paired with fur boots.

“Are you ready?” she asked Matt as they stood outside the door. Matt gave her a thumbs up and a smile.

“Okay. Here goes,” she said and rang the doorbell.

They were both surprised when it wasn’t Margaret, but Jessica’s father, David, who opened the door. They were even more pleasantly surprised when he smiled at them.

“Dad!” Jessica exclaimed and gave him a hug right away. He hugged her back, long and tight. “I missed you so much.”

“Baby girl, I missed you more,” he said and smiled at her, then he looked at Matt, who was reaching out his hand. David shook it and smiled at him too.

“Matt, come in.”

They were let in, and they hung their coats on the coat rack.

“Where’s Mom?” Jessica asked.

“Oh, she is in the kitchen. She has prepared a feast for us tonight,” David replied.

“Does it include her famous recipe for turkey?” Jessica asked dreamily.

“Of course, it does!” came Margaret’s voice. Jessica and Matt turned towards the kitchen where an apron-wearing, big-grinned Margaret was just taking off the oven mitts from her hands. The house smelled amazing, and Jessica was taken back to the years of her childhood when this familiar smell was an everyday, common scenario. She suddenly felt a gripping emotion in her chest. She walked over to her mom and hugged her.

“Mom, I missed you so much,” she said into her hair.

“Oh, my dear, so did I,” said Margaret, hugging her back. When they broke the hug, Margaret had unshed tears in her eyes, which she wiped with discretion, but they all could see that she had gotten emotional. Jessica herself was struggling to keep her emotions in check after seeing her parents after so long, which was funny because she had gone for longer periods without visiting her parents, but something about this occasion seemed different. She felt like a grown person now, a woman with her own universe visiting her parents. She shook her head and tried not to get emotional before they even got dinner started.

“How was your flight? Did you get here directly?” Margaret asked.

“Yes,” Jessica answered.

“Oh, then you must be tired! I have prepared Jessica’s room for you guys to stay in. You can go up and freshen up before dinner.”

“Thank you, Margaret,” Matt said politely, and Jessica led him up the stairs to her old room. She opened the door and was struck by how perfectly the room was preserved. Margaret had kept everything as it had been when she had lived here.

“Cute room,” came Matt’s voice.

“Yeah. It’s still the same. Wow.”

Matt walked in and put his wallet and sunglasses on the dresser. He wandered over to the wall, where a bunch of photo frames showed Jessica’s various stages of childhood.

“You were such a cute kid! Chubby even.”

“Hey, don’t make fun of me!” Jessica said laughing. “I was positively fat, though.”
