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When they came back home, it was pretty late. Matt had made arrangements for him to sleep in one of the guest rooms, which made Jessica feel extremely guilty. She was invading his room, his closet, and his bathroom, and he was the one letting her stay there and moving to a different room. Jessica didn’t know how to make it up to him. They walked together to his room, and Jessica entered it hesitantly. Matt had stopped at the threshold of the door. Though it was pretty late, she didn’t feel tired at all. If anything, she felt like she was finally starting to be more and more awake and aware of her surroundings.

“So, uh… I guess this is goodnight. You should get some sleep,” Matt said quietly.

“I’m not tired. I wanted to explore your bookshelf a little more. Is that okay?”

“Of course! You don’t have to ask. Hey, you know what? Why don’t I show you the big library in the house?”

“You have a whole library here?” Jessica was surprised.

“Sure, I do. The little shelf in my room only contains whatever I sneaked out from there. Come on.” He grinned, took her hand, and led her out of the room again. The hallways were dark and empty, and they ran. Jessica felt a wild kind of thrill as if she was a teenager sneaking out with a boyfriend after curfew. They came to a big wooden door, and Matt stopped to look back at her.

“Here it is,” he said, his eyes shining with excitement. Jessica felt just as excited herself.

He opened the grand double door and what lay inside took Jessica’s breath away. It was a huge room filled with shelves upon shelves of books. Jessica’s eyes were wide, and her mouth gaped open.

“Oh my god, Matt. This is…” She was at a loss for words.

“You like it?”

“Are you kidding? I love it! One could get lost in here and never want to be found.”

Matt guided her inside and let her explore the shelves. There were even moveable stairs to reach the top shelves. It was like the library in Beauty and the Beast, she thought. Jessica loved that movie.

Matt watched her as she went from shelf to shelf, picking out books.

“That’s an interesting stack you’ve got there,” he commented.

“My mind is spiraling out of control. I don’t know which one I want to read right now. I want to read them all!” she gasped, and Matt let out a hearty laugh.

“Relax, you can read them all in time.”

They got lost in the millions of books, laughing like young people and talking about their interests. Jessica was increasingly getting more comfortable with Matt, and he seemed to be very interested in whatever she had to say. Suddenly, she remembered the casino and asked him, “Can you teach me how to play cards well like you do?”

“I can. Clearly, you need some tutoring since you suck at it,” he said with a devilish smile, referring to the whole Jessica-losing-all-her-money-at-gambling incident. She rolled her eyes and pretended to throw a book at him.

“Come with me,” Matt said suddenly.



They left the library, and Matt took her to another room but smaller and with a dark interior. It was like one of those private rooms where big businessmen have their meetings, with pool tables, bars, and cigar smoke. There was a card table at the center of the room.

“Tell me what you want to learn,” said Matt.

Jessica asked him everything that came to her mind, and Matt told her the rules patiently. She tried out a few tricks and failed, which caused him to laugh at the top of his lungs.

“Let’s play strip poker,” Jessica said, clutching her stomach and laughing.

Matt started to raise his hand in refusal, but Jessica interrupted him, “I dare you!” she said with a wicked smile. Matt’s face turned into one with equal mischief as his lips curled into a grin.

“I have not been known to walk away from a dare. Game on!”

They played a few rounds of poker, in which Jessica won all, so she was practically unaffected by the penalties, but the same couldn’t be said for Matt, who was losing at every hand. Jessica knew he was deliberately letting her win, but she was liking it a lot. Matt had already lost his shoes, his socks, and the coat he was wearing. The next thing to come off was his tie. Jessica anticipated her next win when Matt would have to take off his shirt. They played the next round, and this time Jessica lost, so she took off her vest and revealed the dress she was wearing underneath. Now. She was even more eager to win the next round.

When she did win another round, she looked at Matt with a flirty expression.

“Come on, take it off,” she said in a sweet voice to Matt, who was looking at her as if she was the devil and grinning. He faced her gaze straight on and slowly unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. His eyes were burning into hers, and his lips were slightly upturned in the sexiest smirk she had seen. Jessica felt something inside her stir—something that made her breath quicken and her legs feel unsteady. Matt was being deliberately slow in undoing one button at a time. The sensual appeal that that had over Jessica was excruciatingly sweet. She itched to reach out and touch the skin that showed through the slit of his shirt. After what seemed like one eternity, in which Jessica felt tormented, Matt undid all the buttons and tucked his fingers under his shirt. Jessica watched him as he pulled the shirt over his head, his muscles flexing at the motion. The way the shirt glided smoothly over his skin made her shiver and bite her lip. His chest was smooth, save for some hair in the center, but he had the most beautiful six-pack she had ever seen on a guy. This told her that he worked out regularly as he was so fit. Jessica appreciated his body a lot, and Matt could see that. He saw that she had been watching him like a hungry vixen, and he liked that a lot. He gave her a smug grin. All Jessica had lost were her shoes and her dressing vest, but she was fine with that. She could go on winning and let Matt strip down even further.
