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A small dance floor had been set to the left of the eating tables. Once again there were candles on stands everywhere. This time, not all were white. Some of them were silver and had tiny gems as decoration. The roses here were different as well—mixed in with the pure white ones were sterling silver tea roses, their pale lavender hues adding a special touch to each arrangement.

The moment they reached their table, servers came to pour champagne. Everyone took their seats, except for Matt. His standing form drew the attention of the wedding guests and quieted the chattering at the tables.

“It may be unorthodox for the groom to begin the toasting the instant he arrives, but I’ve never been one to follow rules, as most of you are aware,” Matt spoke.

Light laughter came with his admission since his guests knew him well.

“I can’t seem to hold back these words, so I will give my toast to my bride at this moment. Jess is not only lovely to look at, but she is also the bravest woman I know. She has chosen to take the dare of marrying me despite my many faults, so her bravery goes above and beyond anyone else in this room. It’s doubtful any of you would take a chance on me.”

More laughter, some of it uncomfortable, was heard.

“I am proud and pleased to call this beautiful woman my wife. She is an asset that means more than money. I hope I’m able to live up to her expectations and bring her the happiness she deserves, so please, tap your glasses together and give a salute to Jess, my most precious possession!” Matt ended.

Annabeth stood and said, “As long as Matt started the toasts, I’d like to say something. I have loved Matt all my life, not just because he’s my brother but because he’s been so good to me. I’m happy for him today because he’s found a treasure in Jess, and as he already said, it’s a treasure greater than money. Both Matt and Jess are good people. They’re going to be wonderful together. Lift your glasses to a couple who’ll make this marriage last forever.”

Others made toasts until Matt tapped his glass and announced, “I would like to share my first dance with Jess before the meal is served. Annabeth and my best man may join us after the first few steps. More dancing will come your way once dinner is over. You are all welcome to party as late into the night as you wish.”

Jess placed her hand in Matt’s once again. The gesture was becoming natural to her already. The warmth was familiar and gave her joy. He took her in his arms on the dance floor and pulled her close. Automatically, her arms circled his neck.

They fit together as if they were made for one another. Matt was excellent at leading her across the small dance floor in a smooth, slow dance. His choice of song surprised and pleased her. He didn’t seem like the type to enjoyYour Songby Sir Elton John, but it was one of her favorites.

As he turned her, so that her back was hidden from the guests, his hands began to roam freely over her body. He lightly massaged her back as his errant hands wandered down toward her waist. One roaming hand caressed her bottom and gave it a gentle squeeze, sending signals of lust throughout her body. He kept his hand there for a moment while he leaned in and touched his lips to her ear. She shivered in response.

Unheeding of who watched, Jess reveled in the feel of his hands gripping her hips and pulling her pelvis into contact with his. He made her aware that the dance was making him as lust-crazed as it was for her. Though she’d been nervous and worried about sharing a wedding night with Matt, and not even sure there would be one, she now was beginning to anticipate enjoying every moment of it. He wasn’t going to touch her this way unless it was going to happen, was he? If he could make her feel this way with just a few caresses in front of an audience, what was he going to do when they were alone?

Her breasts tingled when they rubbed against his hard chest. She knew he was very aware of what he was doing to her. There was no way he’d missed the soft gasps or the sexual tension that was building. As the song came to an end, his hand swept across an aching nipple. Whether it was an accident or a purposeful movement, Jess had no clue.

They returned to their table as the salads were being delivered. Jess was highly energized and tense. She hadn’t expected to want Matt or believed that he’d want her. She didn’t know where the sexual desire was coming from. A part of her was still hung up on Spencer, so how was it possible to desire another man? She missed him, which didn’t mesh with wanting to have sex with Matt.

She nibbled at her salad and barely tasted the tomato bisque soup that was the second course. Her mind was engaged with her uncontrollable libido. If she went to bed with Matt, it was the same as picking up a man in a bar just because she’d been jilted. It wasn’t right, and yet, it didn’t feel like it was wrong to want it. Her confusion became worse when Matt’s hand landed on her leg, high on her thigh, and remained there throughout the rest of the meal.

She gulped champagne to calm herself and did her best to eat the tender chicken parmesan that was served for the main course. She almost choked when Matt’s finger made a circle on her inner thigh. She didn’t notice as her glass of champagne was refilled due to the buzz going on in her nervous system.

Jess felt heat coming off Matt as dessert was served. She knew just how he felt. She imagined he could feel the tension rising in her as well, especially since his hand remained solidly on her upper thigh muscle. The skin was probably on fire. She was surprised the gelato they were eating didn’t melt on contact.

By the time they cut the cake, Jess had downed several glasses of champagne. Thankfully, the food had mitigated some of the effects, or she’d be face down on the floor. Matt licked the cake off her fingers, and she came close to losing control in front of everyone. He just grinned as his eyes glowed in smugness.


The dance floor was small, barely bigger than minuscule. Even though there was a limited number of guests, it was admittedly crowded once the real dancing began. The lack of space shoved bodies closer together than natural. Jess found hers smashed against Matt’s so tightly that movement was next to impossible. They weren’t able to do much more than rub up against one another. It was hot in more ways than one, and he might have planned it that way. He was known as the bad boy type and liked to live dangerously.

Matt’s hands continued to roam over her body in suggestive ways, which led her to believe they were getting close to going upstairs and consummating their wedding vows. He had a way of making her entire body hum with desire. Each intimate caress brought more stress on her than she was able to handle, so she drank more champagne at every opportunity.

The dance she shared with the best man was awkward at best. They didn’t know each other, yet they were smashed together even though it wasn’t a slow dance. Their conversation was stilted since they didn’t know what they had in common if there was anything at all. They stuck with talking about the hotel, the food, and the wedding ceremony. It wasn’t as pleasant as it should have been.

By the time the dance was over, Jess had a mild headache. All the drinking was making her dizzy, and she was growing tired. It had been an extremely long day full of surprises and shocks. She hadn’t awoken that morning with any of this on the agenda. The idea of marriage had disappeared along with Spencer. The stress of it all was beginning to take its toll on her. Not even her strange sexual desire for Matt overcame the exhaustion she was fighting.

Matt was suddenly in front of her. When had her last partner left her? She couldn’t remember, though she vaguely thought he’d excused himself before their dance ended.

“I cut in because you appeared to be feeling a little unwell. I thought that perhaps your partner was giving you trouble, but now I see that you’re tipsy and tired. That’s a bad combination, especially as warm as it is on the dance floor. Would you like to say your goodbyes and go upstairs?” Matt asked.

The suggestion was a relief in many ways. She was sick of smiling at people she didn’t know and forcing herself to make conversations about absolutely nothing. Her feet were killing her, and Jess was having a hard time thinking straight. How long had she been awake? Her head was too fuzzy to add up the hours. Besides, she had no idea what time it was. She wasn’t wearing a watch with her wedding dress, and the restaurant didn’t display a clock. She only knew she was hot, tired, and slightly nauseous.

She nodded and replied as if speaking to her host rather than her husband, “I think that’s a really great idea. I’ve had enough. Thank you for a lovely wedding day. It’s a memory I’ll keep forever.”

“That was the whole point, Jess. Every woman should have a wedding day she can look back on with joy. I’d hoped you’d be pleased. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying more attention to how much champagne you were drinking. It’s my fault you’re tipsy again. I don’t plan on allowing you to get this way on a daily basis. Getting drunk while gambling is what got you here in the first place. Now, I’m the one to blame for tonight.”

“No, you’re not. I did the drinking to soothe my nerves, then again, maybe you are to blame since you’re the one who made me nervous in the first place. Doesn’t all this seem a little odd and a whole lot crazy to you? Even drunk, I can see that this is nuts,” Jess answered with honesty.
